Iberians eat Moor influenced food (paellas, meatballs, marinade)

>Iberians eat Moor influenced food (paellas, meatballs, marinade)
>Spanish traditional music is Flamenco, brought by gypsies
>The Spanish music instrument by excellence is the guitar, brought by Moors
>Spanish is the language with the most Arab loanwoards after Arabic
>There's many buildings built by Moors in Spain that are now famous Spanish landmarks and tourist attractions (La Alhambra, Mosque of Córdoba, etc)
>Their religion is Semitic
>They have Moorish, Jewish and sub Saharan admixture, hence why they look like Arabs
>Portugal is the country with the most African admixture (both north and sub Saharan) in Europe
Yet they fervently deny or minimize any non white cultural and genetic influence, historically speaking what is the cause of this behavior?

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>Iberians are moors
Based, now give me tight, delicate and wet white pussy from the north, thats a right of brown people in the EU

Attached: 1607803209516.png (1736x1032, 1.94M)

Actually we are iberian-nafri-jew-irish-scandi mutts

Attached: my heritage.png (485x592, 76.9K)

t. shitskin projecting his shitskinism on iberians

My heritage a meme.

Attached: sim.jpg (477x430, 36.02K)



go shit in the street dude

>go shit in the street dude

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by that logic according to that graph north africans and levantines where raped by europeans even more

lol the eternal lebanese canaanite, nice shitskin genes

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They have a lot of inferiority

>12/16/20(Wed)08:52:04 No.135914153 Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)14:52:04 No.135914153 sim.jpg (36 KB, 477x430)File: sim.jpg (36 KB, 477x430) google yandex iqdb wait
>12/16/20(Wed)08:50:13 No.135914059 Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)14:50:13 No.135914059(OP)
>t. shitskin projecting his shitskinism on iberians
>12/16/20(Wed)08:38:36 No.135913505 Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)14:38:36 No.1359135051607803209516.png (1.94 MB, 1736x1032)File: 1607803209516.png (1.94 MB, 1736x1032) google yandex iqdb wait1.94 MB PNG(OP)
>>Iberians are moors
>Based, now give me tight, delicate and wet white pussy from the north, thats a right of brown people in the EU
>12/16/20(Wed)08:39:51 No.135913551 Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)14:39:51 No.135913551my heritage.png (77 KB, 485x592)File: my heritage.png (77 KB, 485x592) google yandex iqdb wait77 KB PNGActually we are iberian-nafri-jew-irish-scandi mutts
> 12/16/20(Wed)08:26:58 No.1359129621608059966371.png (1.17 MB, 1500x915)File: 1608059966371.png (1.17 MB, 1500x915) google yandex iqdb wait1.17 MB PNG Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)14:26:58 No.135912962 >Iberians eat Moor influenced food (paellas, meatballs, marinade)
>>Spanish traditional music is Flamenco, brought by gypsies
>>The Spanish music instrument by excellence is the guitar, brought by Moors
>>Spanish is the language with the most Arab loanwoards after Arabic
>>There's many buildings built by Moors in Spain that are now famous Spanish landmarks and tourist attractions (La Alhambra, Mosque of Córdoba, etc)
>>Their religion is Semitic
>>They have Moorish, Jewish and sub Saharan admixture, hence why they look like Arabs
>>Portugal is the country with the most African admixture (both north and sub Saharan) in Europe

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Go eat a dog yellow piss skin

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>iberians are moors
Based fuck out of Europe and go join arabia.

Cope more

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nordgolians back to the steppe first

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How did they define these components?

Yeah and we have the biggest admixture of Basque blood and that literally makes us the most pure europeans. Also, more diverse admixture improves genetics, so every drop of any blood is literally a good thing. We are the country with the biggest life expectancy, because we have better genetics than anyone. Thats why women wants us, thats why incels hates us. We are the superior man, live with it.
if you are not iberian you are a literal inferior subhuman

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>Basque blood
Mountain inbreds who have been irrelevant for all of history?

Attached: basque girl.jpg (768x515, 51.72K)

Only autosomal genetic distance makes sense, everything else is meme

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That's a man!

Attached: 2014-12-cristiano-ronaldo-young.0.jpg (1200x800, 124.34K)

They are technically alongside sardinians the purest population of Europe

>That's a man!
no, just the shitty genes of basques.

>They are technically alongside sardinians the purest population of Europe
Purity of what feature, ugliness?

Most and purest dna of the native inhabitants of this continent

pure european=pure white

so that means iberians are the whitest. What part you dont understand?

>Most and purest dna of the native inhabitants of this continent
>native inhabitants of this continent
Basques aren't cromagnons but neolithics.

They have more cromagnon admixture than any other population of Europe

this is how n*rthern european sub-humans deserve
screeching monkeys

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>They have more cromagnon admixture than any other population of Europe
That would be Gaulish people where most cromagnons have been found.

>italy is fully blue and green
wtf i thought italian mutts were north african and sub saharan

You might not like it but spaniards and portuguese are the closest genetically to ancient original europeans and also the closest in looks


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a hominid of a tall erect race of the Upper Paleolithic known from skeletal remains found chiefly in southern France and classified as the same species (Homo sapiens) as present-day humans

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>The origins of the Roman name Hispania, and the modern España, are uncertain, although the Phoenicians and Carthaginians referred to the region as Spania, therefore the most widely accepted etymology is a Semitic-Phoenician one.[13][18]

Thats doesn't work like that, frenchs and most of whites are the rapebabies of siberian invaders

>Thats doesn't work like that, frenchs and most of whites are the rapebabies of siberian invaders
Cromagnons came from same region as the indoeuropeans.

Iberians are literally Romans...

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I met a Spaniard once he looked like a tanned Britbong desu

Eso mismo es, somos moros: youtu.be/goIJinPd8fU

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