Dude!!! Taiwanese food is so good bro!!! Dude!! Let's go to Ktown for some bulgogi!! Dude let's go eat in chinatown!!!!

>Dude!!! Taiwanese food is so good bro!!! Dude!! Let's go to Ktown for some bulgogi!! Dude let's go eat in chinatown!!!!
Just eat some potatos with meat and veggies you fucking soys

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based waffle

there are potatoes and veggies in chinatown, calm down bro

>Literally anything Asi*n

I've been told drinking this is like drinking artificially refined Soy. In other words don't do it.

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it just tastes like sugar. or one of those shitty powdered coffees

>dude lets eat some abo food
>woah, that grub over there looks juicy

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Soon meat will be outlawed in the EU and you will be forced to eat bugs instead.

based, eat your grubs britshits

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if shrimp is a bug then lobster is a bug

>They already eat shrimp, which is a swimming bug in the sea no matter how you try to twist it and lobsters which looks equally nasty as a bug.

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Based chip

Britain regained its independence.
They'll have food tourists from the EU who travel there just to eat real meat.

Yes it is.
Cope, bug eater.

>Soon meat will be outlawed in the EU and you will be forced to eat bugs instead.
Lab produced meat is soon here so that would be fine as replacement for chicken nuggets or minced meat

>Yes it is.
>Cope, bug eater.

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in israel this is considered asian food

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we eat shrimp too, öküz anad*lulu

that's funny. all the "foodies" here in socal love that shit
they do this in Belgium too?

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what's with jews and their love for chink food?


>Soon meat will be outlawed in the EU
Lmao, you don't understand how the world works
Meat will be taxed more, therefore only people like me will be able to buy and eat meat

I know, that's who I'm referring to. It happens here too but mostly women.

99% of my diet consists of homemade schnitzel, omelette, potatoes with Turmeric and cucumbers
on some occasions I would eat rice mince meat Stuffed peppers

>dude crustaceans and insects are both arthropods so lobsters are literally bugs
is exactly equivalent in taxonomy to
>dude mammals and tunicates are both chordates so cows are literally sea squirts


I don’t post there by principle. Shut up.


I only eat pussy

>Just eat some potatoes with meat and veggies you fucking soys

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>he doesn't concoct his own homemade curry

>I only eat pussy

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