Why are there so many incels nowadays? What gives?

Why are there so many incels nowadays? What gives?

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internet and social media

Any sources to back that up?

women getting dumber

more people are coming online

Men are weaker and women can choose more

women have more choices

BBC get all the women

unrestricted hypergamy

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The final solution.

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bosnian woman serbian men

Feminized western society

>boy has internet
>boy opens internet
>boy sees chad on the internet
>boy feels insecure
>boy starts to think of imaginary scenarios where stacy rejects him for chad because of [unimportant thing]
>boy gets mindbroken by his own thoughts
>boy becomes incel

>BBC get all the women

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this plus this

There is also the fact that many women are sex workers, and the so called incels don't pay for sex. They subscribe to OF.

I'm pretty sure that 'incel culture' is hating women.
These are NOT the men that pay bitches and streamers.
What you're thinking of is simps.

We know too much.

According to feminism heterosexual sex is the same as rape. And I am no criminal.

If I don't have sex in like a week I'm pretty much back to my incel mindset
Thinking about just using hookers on the weekly and just focusing on my hobbies and shit without worrying about w*men

This guy gets it, half the battles incels have are against their own poisoned mentality.

>Don't go outside of your house
>develop retarded opinion on what women want based on what other losers think they want.
>become an incel.
Literally just go outside bruh, like get a life lmao.

I see your point, but I didn't thought they were exclusive. I'd imagine an involuntary celibate could probably project their ideal in some random hoe out of cope.

Cope, truth is with tinder women have at their fingertips access to genetically superior men whenever they want. Average looking guys cannot compete anymore

Please Manolo go outside, eat some cochinillo or Paella and cut down on your Zig Forums browsing

The simps/beta orbiters you're thinking of are the failed normies that constantly try to suck up to women both online and irl.
Incels are either losers in general or actively hate women.
While I understand why everyone online wants to pin every problem on the bottom feeders (incels). It's just not realistic to blame these penniless women hating virgins for only fans donations.

>access to genetically superior men whenever they want. Average looking guys cannot compete anymore

Aww boohoo poor insells :(((

>Cortez goes outside and visits a nice cafe with his female friend.
>"Phew, I guess it was all just in my head all along..."
>"There are still normal girls around."
>Goes home.
>Opens tinder.
>His friend is on it.

>Eat at a restaurant alone bro, women will walk up and talk to you

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Oh, O.K. Tsk.

>Tfw i live in such a small town i ran out of grills to swipe on

Tinder isnt as good in townlets as a city, assuming you are high tier normie

Yes, the lowest of our society should be met with sympathy and helped out the most, problem?

Never said I was giving relationship advice lol, but you could at least live a bit you faggot.

Yeah that's a given.
But a data harvesting app that streams your location constantly as a prerequisite for using it isn't good period.

Internet and technology in general isolates people. The digital age is going to have severe mental health issues which is already happening only roughly 15 years in.

Of course they should, but sex slavery is not the answer.

>walk outside, people will just magically want to talk to you. It's that easy

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