>you wake up in 1898
what do?
You wake up in 1898
Make prussia seethe
Kill some commies I think.
Assassinate Bloody Nicholas to save the world from the Great War
marry 8 year old cunny in america and have a fruitful family
Prepare to help the Boers
Germany would started WWI anyway, because "muh no colonies".
join a rebellious group and try to liberate my home once more.
go help my niggas in palestine of course
avoid USS Maine goes to Cuba and avoid the Hispanic-American War
You are probably right. I doubt assassinating Kaiser Wilhelm II would stop it either.
probable die from smth shortly after
t. congress poland
based answers
Write a letter to Woodrow Wilson telling him that in 1914 a great European war will erupt and insist that he must remain neutral at all costs, no matter what
Congrats on getting unrangebanned :)
acquire a monocle and start calling everyone 'deah chyappy'
>Brazil is not included but America is
Why tho?
Probably take up a job as a traveling farmhand toiling away at different farmsteads year to year and i'd sleep on the still warm hearth of the house with cats.
Max comfy.
volenteer to my brethren in the cape
Wtf I'm austro Hungarian now
So what do you do?
gray = based
>Living in Germany
Go to my great-grandfather, a rich man with connections and lots of properties in Russia, and warn him about the coming commie revolution.
Russian niggas be like
>I can't read
Oh you shouldn't post that picture. Think he'll notice it?
this thread will be removed sooner or later
that's why they became zionistische
Become a missionary and travel around colonies and fuck dark women.
go to the chief of the general staff and tell him that his war plans are shit and advise him what else to consider
also try to prevent or halt the atrocities in Southwest Africa somehow, maybe by going there, documenting it, and showing it to the public
if things don't improve and the government keeps being retarded, emigrate to Switzerland or the US
Quite unfair.
Brazil is one of the few countries to be at his biggest extension in history. And never fucking lost a single war in the process.
For god sake, we where invaded 10 times by the French, and every time we put them to run.
We fought the biggest company ever created (the Dutch Indian company) and triumph.
We fought the Spanish at their peek, and took their land.
The last time a country tried to invade Brazil, we set them as an example and killed every single male from 8 to 80.
We conquest the Gothic line with only 1 division during world war two and we where the first country to ever capture and entire German division.
Our military expertise turned the peace keepers into peace makers.
We assist neighbour countries to deal with terrorism in many occasions, and we actually got the shit done.
But apparently all our history doesn't mean anything...
Chill, nigger
This is just a thread on Zig Forums
Yeah brother