I am moving to Croatia early next year

Literally the best country in Europe.

What are some cool things to do and what can I expect as a brown bull?

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I also want to visit Croatia.

you are literally next door. Hop on the bus

what does it mean?

1 year validity visa which allows you to work from Croatia if you have a remote job

>brown bull
user, I...

Why you think it's the best country? Anyways the coast is nice, especially the islands

>great cost of living
>great food
>hot women, beaches
>neither western or eastern europe

We will take your women

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are you muslim?

no, Hindu but probably look like a muslim with a beard

i used to have a job as a DJ in croatia

Not a bad idea for a digital nomad
I think the go to EU country for that was Estonia, but Croatia has a better climate and it's probably just as cheap

grow it then, it might just work

ofcourse I have a beard. (pic not me lol)
how many did you impregnate
true. Estonia is cold af and Croatia is significantly better, almost like a mini - italy.

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Ive heard good things about Croatia, im gonna drive there and chill for the summer in 2021

These guys could pass as natives kek. And they don't look muslim to me, more like mediterranean hipsters.

If you go there with this mindset you'll probably get beaten up more than once

How black are the meds lmao ?

fuck off we are full

Then why do you have work visa system?!?!?!

>What are some cool things to do and what can I expect
Currently, only to stay inside and replay Max Payne for the ten thousand and first time.
You really picked a hell of a time, huh?

Your policy says otherwise dipshite. Time to open up.

I don't want my country to be ruined by rapefugees

i am darker though :(
I heard the visa starts either on Jan 1 or late Q1. Things will get better a lot early next year.

How optimistic...

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Are you out of your fucking mind?

>brown bull
>the flag

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if i ever saw you both irl i’d break your fucking knees

I bet you work for 1/5th the wage that a native Croat would. You're a toll on the Croatian economy.

If you ever see a 175 cm brown dude in Zagreb or Split with a Croatian chick nest year, thats me

im 196 cm, and i reek of masculinity. You pathetic, non european filth better stay the fuck out for your own good, because the police doesn’t save you here
>yes, i work at the border. and you pathetic, cowardly brown faggots are easier to solve than school children here, with no repercussions

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but you probably look like a gypsy
baza, svaka čast care!

read Also
>175 cm
trust me, a croatian woman can do way better than go out with a rat

Kakav jebeni chad oplodi mi ženu molim te...

they already have enough gypsies