I cant tell the difference between an italian, nafri, or arab

i cant tell the difference between an italian, nafri, or arab

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Nafris are easy to spot. They are either tall and thin or small and fat. They also have rat faces and look really unsympathetic.

it's ok you are american
nobody is expecting mutch from you

yes you can you retard.
all brown people dont arr rook same
italians have more european features than mena and arabs are completely alien.

You shouldn't be able to. It's like saying you can tell the difference between an identically dressed Brit and a Russian

italians have prey eyes


> I can't tell the difference between southern and northern Mediterreneans

Like it's supposed to. I can't tell the difference between western and eastern Baltics

>You shouldn't be able to. It's like saying you can tell the difference between an identically dressed Brit and a Russian
One looks Germanic, another doesn't

Only the first one eats pork.

That doesn't mean anything. You look more or less the same. You'd only be able to afterwards when you get told who is who and u would come up with some coping explanatory blabbering

can you tell who is arab and who is italian?

Attached: test.jpg (774x532, 100.99K)

nobody can
my burger friend


I cant tell the difference between refugee or identitarian

Look at this image. British and Russian very far from each other

Attached: 1608074449698.png (1966x1200, 546.34K)

Italians are beautiful, nafris a little and araps are born purely out of rape and hate sex due to how hideous they are.

I'm not saying you're the same. I genuinely can't tell the difference

what does this face look like to you?

Attached: death face.jpg (536x703, 156.76K)

Don't worry, no one can


Like a stone

I can't tell the difference between my cousins

Attached: pepe-der-frosch-mem-100__v-img__16__9__xl_-d31c35f8186ebeb80b0cd843a7c267a0e0c81647.jpg (994x558, 52.38K)


>T. Turk Anarchist, Queer, Bisexual, Depression, Anxiety, Pronouns: He/Him, Foodie

Attached: soylent.png (323x570, 213.54K)

You know that I wanted this reaction right?

Attached: 1607785000458.jpg (226x216, 55.73K)

>You know that I wanted this reaction right?

Attached: expand mouth.png (344x971, 214.1K)

>i cant tell the difference between an italian, nafri, or arab

Nafris are often surprisingly smooth, especially Tunisians and Morrocans.




I can't tell the difference between Nafris and Turks because they both have chink eyes

both are arab, left might even be paki but pobably just iraqi, they have that indo-persian look