>Umm yes we commit war crimes, but we feel bad about it.
What's their problem?
Umm yes we commit war crimes, but we feel bad about it
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It’s late, I’m in bed and comfy, post this again in 8-9 hours and I’ll happily come call you a poof or a chink or whatever
>war crimes
literally what
the concept of war crimes is fake and created by losing side
Katyn massacre
They raped and genocided emus (but still ultimately lost the war).
>created by the losing side
>made a kangaroo court to humiliate Germany
exxagerate death toll. and maybe you should consider killing is ok if other side is vermin
very catholic of you, user
Australia committed war crimes then publicly shamed those involved across all of our media, Charged them with murder on all accounts and compensated the families of victims.
When was the last time any of you heard about America compensating the victims of drone strikes?
That's what i thought, Fuck up.
damned if you do, dammed if you don't
Kind of pathetic that pic related made you all aware of our war crimes, if you want the full story it was reported on in detail for more than a year, here are two full length documentaries.
>Charged them with murder on all accounts and compensated the families of victims
Again, we aren't China, our media does report the news.
>commit warcrimes
>post gore on twitter
Why are chinese like that
Just asking for retaliation lets be honest.
>"Families of Afghan men allegedly killed by Australian SAS soldiers are still asking for justice, eight years on"
that's not really a good look if nothing happend in 8 years
>"the IGADF report recommended 19 current and serving special forces soldiers be prosecuted for war crimes and compensation paid to Afghan victims and their families"
So basically they killed civilians and almost a decade latter no compensation or justice has been done.
China don't really kill civilians in foreign countries.
Because it took a decade for Americans to speak out about it.
Christ Chang fuck up or i will post about how the CCP harvests its citizens organs at 170k per person.
reading the second article
>What war crimes did Australian soldiers commit in Afghanistan and will anyone go to jail?
that's a bad start
>Is anyone going to jail?
>Potentially, but if they do it won't be for a long while yet.
So basically they may potentially go for some few months of jail several decades after killing civilians/childrens. Lmao.
The ukraine tier
So you mean the army is corrupt and cover war crimes so well it takes a decade for some of it to be revealed? Also how about all the ones that were never revealed?
Lmao, China is a beacon of human right compared to anglo countries.
Lets talk about the organ harvesting done by the CCP then
>China forcefully harvests organs from detainees, tribunal concludes
>China is harvesting organs from Falun Gong prisoners in potential genocide, tribunal says
>'Crimes against humanity': is China killing political prisoners for their organs?
>Patients with severe brain damage targeted in China organ harvesting ring
>The reality of human organ harvesting in China
>Forced Organ Harvesting: “I’m going to China, they’re shooting my donor”
Oh that shut you up didn't it?
CCP is acting on it's own territory, not killing civilians 10,000 km away.
Also not wasting organs from people who are sentenced to death is a pretty humane use, better than wasting it.
agree i
i proud citizen of the people's republic of holland. i no chiny people. I stand against australia because they evil that kill lot of civilians the afghanistan.
also they prevent happy chinese company from investing in their dusty country which is very bad.
china is pure and rightous country and i say that as proud european
Australia was killing terrorists, Our war crimes include killing unarmed prisoners who deserved death anyway.
i agree with him. i hollandish citizen as well. australia very bad
They killed children and civilians randomly, not just prisoners.
And China was using microwave weapons on the indian border just the other week.
they killed 20 Indian solders last month retard