Would you like to have an intentional romantic relationship Zig Forums? Do you think you could work through cultural barriers?
Would you like to have an intentional romantic relationship Zig Forums...
>cultural barriers?
never get it, you're gonna break with someone when you learn that they eat pickled fish or what?
Yes. I matched with an British goth on tinder
nope hard. Everyone in the West eats meat. thats going to be a dealbreaker
Yes, but that doesn't mean I want to.
I could work through cultural barriers but not through language barriers. We'd hypothetically have to move to an English-speaking country because I wouldn't be learning her language and she wouldn't be learning mine.
Bro, culture is much more than food
It's language, customs, religion, expectations, general lifestyle and personal identity
Let's say you were going to date an arabian girl, even if she converted to your beliefs and moved to Poland the cultural shock would be off putting to both of you because you come from entirely different backgrounds
Unless one gives up his cultural identity entirely in favor of the other, it's gonna be like trying to date an alien
This. Had relationship with Arabian mommy gf and she was a fork tongued snake. Arabian women are toxic
>Unless one gives up his cultural identity entirely in favor of the other, it's gonna be like trying to date an alien
You extremely exaggerate this. It's only an issue if one side basically refuses to compromise, refuses to help out the partner/spouse or fails to back them up. If someone is acting like a racist dick to your gal and you don't
-tell her that so and so is racist
-defend her
-don't tell said person if they are close family member that they are a so and so and to keep his opinions to himself.
Out of all barriers one can face cultural barriers is real baby shit.
International relationship between me and a Steppe gf? Definitely yes.
I'd rather find a relationship with an American girl.
I can't even relate to Australian women so it would never work with a foreign girl
>Out of all barriers one can face cultural barriers is real baby shit.
What part of the "culture is much more than food, It's language, customs, religion, expectations, general lifestyle and personal identity" don't you get?
Culture is literally who you are.
Unless you're already from the same cultural group, it's gonna be an uphill struggle.
It depends. I think it would very hard to get through on a cultural background for me with a US gf.
I got this anecdote of a friend of mine (obviously french) who married a US gal ; things did not get well when he proposed, the first thing she asked was the price of the ring. Knowing how much he made, she blatantly told him "it must be a joke" since the ring was far from a month's salary.
When I learned this I was kind of schocked.
I think I would get easier along with an Italian, a Slovene, a Spanish, an Austrian, a Swiss, a Croat, anything in the med zone that cooks with olive oil and is catholic.
There are materialistic women everywhere to be honest
I've been told MENA girls are the worst offenders
This. This whole "multicultural" thing is a failed neo-liberal experiment.
well yeah language is a problem but i thought we're obviously assuming that either side knows the language of the other (or both) because you're not even going to interact with each other if you can't communicate
besides that, what'd be the huge cultural shock?
no one here would really care if she wore a hijab, i don't think she'd be fucking sperging out if i didn't beat her for not wearing one either
besides that, things like customs and religion can change drastically within one country, even in this shithole eastern poland is orthodox, southern poles act totally different species and no one really cares about that
Can't even talk to a french girl, can't imagine the chore of having a foreign gf
I had the chance to get with an american military girl as she is stationed now here. But i can not think of moving to the US and forsake my country and home. So i did nothing. Ngl i regret it now.
our love would conquer any cultural barriers
I am dating a French girl. It's very nice but only because she is fluent in English. Point is that as long as there is communication (and a common language helps there) everything is possible.
>tfw no med gf
I'm a mutt, but I look more white than 'coloured' or black. So I don't want to "racemix", I don't want to create ugly babies. Preferably french, spanish or german (I have family there so I could move to Germany and hook up with a kraut qt)
lucky cunt
is she hot?
how'd you meet?
Some dating app called Bumble. First date was a fucking month ago and we've seen each other nearly daily since then.
I think she's hot but she is really tiny and not as classically attractive as my Dutch ex but she has something about her and a thicc ass. Anyway, she has brains and is nurturing in nature where my ex was an analytical cold manager type so I am happy. Best part of my day is moving from my home office to her with her having a nice homecooked meal and some good beer ready when I arrive.
I get hardly any sleep though.
>it's gonna be like trying to date an alien
I already feel like that with people from my own culture. It's why I don't even bother, I can fake it and pretend I care about whatever dumb bullshit is the norm, but it's extremely mentally draining.
If anything, I think it might be easier to date someone from a completely foreign culture to my own. There would be an implicit expectation that a cultural gap would exist between us, and I could relax on compensating for it quite a bit.
Does that make sense?
I already did once. No, I think it doesn’t work.
Nvm. I misread. Yeah, it can work across cultural barriers just not long distance.
you're just being an incel, user
You realize the vast majority of human history was people moving to strange and foreign places and settling down with other people they found there, right?
You're just parroting buzzwords from a dialectical thesis you don't even understand.
Yes, I would like to. If they were from an English speaking country or if they spoke english well enough for us to have a conversation.
If you are close to someone and there's a language barrier, you tend to create a pidgin that works well.
I seriously hate talking to people with broken english. I don't think I could do it
No one else did it, so I had to.
i think this is true, considering how a lot white men tend to have SEA and East asian gfs
she lives in the Netherlands? If yes, why?
its cute
But you can't talk about anything deep
I had an Zig Forums online gf
it's a terrible idea. Unless you are rich, can fly out every month, and have a plan to close the gap within maybe a year or two, then you're just setting yourself up for heartbreak without any of the good parts of a relationship.
If you're talking about dating an IRL girl who happens to be from another country, go for it. But don't do it over online, I heavily regret it.
God I wish
My goal is an international gf but im too far away and too paranoid over scams.
Its only viable for europeans.
that said, even with my B1 Spanish we could communicate just fine, so as long as you guys can communicate well and it's IRL/a feasible LDR (keyword - feasible) then go for it