There are people right now who are choosing their partner for life on their late teen years and early twenties

>There are people right now who are choosing their partner for life on their late teen years and early twenties.
How many chances it has to fail for them? I just can't wait to see the separations just for the lulz. Does this happen in your country too?

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fuck you edgy retard. i hope they live long and happy lives together just to spite you. fuck you.

Why Zig Forums side with normies now?

no, i don't even wish long and happy lives
as long as they are fulfilling social expectations they are doing good


I see I triggered some simps. It has huge chances to fail anyway knowing the current context.

at least they are trying


But it's stupid trying to fulfill social expectations knowing it has numerous chances to fail or fuck up your life. It's not a very smart move.

Better be edgy than soyboy ignorant

youth and love are beautiful things. you are a bitter cynical possibly ugly or fat bitch who doesnt have either. yes most likely they will fail but the passion of it all is something you will never experience and that makes you bitter and resentful of what others have.

No they are cringe.

Yeah, my parents were together since highschool, had me at 23.
In one generation our society jumped from childhood sweethearts to hookup culture.
I guess it's for the better, you can't exactly force people to live a traditional life when every bitch gets swarmed by simps on social media from the moment she creates an account.

was right most of you are pathetic here. all you do is coombait and seethe

>all you do is coombait and seethe
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have hundreds of school shootings if that were true.

No, you are pathetic and soyboy. Love is just for girls. Real mans just merry to fuck and have sons.

kys unironically croatia and brazil

based and truthpilled

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Yes it's exactly that, I have the right to have fun seeing them fail and it's not even of my fault, at least consequences will be worst for them especially if they have kids.
What an unfunny moralfag.

>I see I triggered some simps. It has huge chances to fail anyway knowing the current context.

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Why does he have bread on his head?

Because marryin at 30 to some old worn out whore who gave her best years to men in club bathrooms makes your marriage any stronger.

If you wanted a long lasting marriage you would marry a virgin.

heres your (You)

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Don't worry, I'm not American, so I won't be taking anyone else with me from school.

Why are americans like you the most triggered about what I said exactly? I never said I will be the cause of a couple breaking up, I said that it will eventually happen, for logical causes on the current context. and that It will actually be funny to see them falling because of social pressure.

It's incredible how you are acting moralfag for this but at the same time you have zero empathy for ugly people who can't get laid. it's so White Knight.

You’re goddamn right

You can be smart and marry a younger woman than yourself still in her twenties when you are actually older. virgins are unexperienced so it's overrated as fuck.

Worked out for literally everyone in my family.

>virgins are unexperienced so it's overrated as fuck
incredibly homosexual take

Every woman above 25 is actually over sensitive and stupid. That’s why you should just fuck and get the fuck off.

Holy shit you're pathetic. You don't do anything with your life and copeseethe at people who are attempting to lead a normal life. Typical french flag with an inflated ego, fuck off Jean-Pierre. You're mad because Amelie is getting fucked by Onogogobalogo the african immigrant

>virgins are unexperienced so it's overrated as fuck.

Boy am I glad my girlfriend was "trained" by two dozen men! She would be ruined without such enriching experience!

You're a cuck

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Simp seething

It's a nice approach too, multiplying various female partners is patrician. of course manginas from Burgerland will tell you hookers are wrong because they are forbidden in their hypocrite country.

Females on west are all the same.

>american can't stop throwing around blacked memes even when he's trying to pretend he's the normal one in an argument

Romance is only for girls and soyboy simps feminine’s.

>You don't do anything with your life and copeseethe at people who are attempting to lead a normal life.
I did a lot of things but blackpill is true, no one fucking cares about if you are not beautiful enough. those people in couple would laugh about me for my problems, well in my case I have the right to laugh about them for their problems, seeing their arrogance turning to hell. I have the right to enjoy life too and laugh of other people's problems. I not cares about your mental slavery.
>You're mad because Amelie is getting fucked by Onogogobalogo the african immigrant
Burger please, stop projecting your cuckold fetish on everyone else. what you are describing is also the typical exemple of what not last long and it's not the subject.

>the passion of it all
Having experienced love when I was younger taught me that it's all fake. Sober up and stop watching romcoms, Karen.

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I'm totally out of the traditionnal model anyway, It just can't exist on this society and again like the subject of my thread, I find it funny that some arrogant people who are early in couple will probably fail on some years.

Yeah, we have 15 year olds here too

americans are emotionally unstable wrecks, i would avoid them entirely

giving a girl $30 for sex: wrong
giving a girl $30 of drinks for sex: good

>I'm totally out of the traditionnal model anyway, It just can't exist on this society and again like the subject of my thread, I find it funny that some arrogant people who are early in couple will probably fail on some years.

Maybe, maybe not. However if the woman is hot there is nothing wrong with sticking to her at young age.

You on the other hand have your hand and some sloppy seconds

I'm not normal, I don't have a girlfriend, but I'm not going to become a "watch the world burn" type faggot like OP is, you what you probably are too.
Yeah, blackpill is true, life isn't as fun if you aren't especially attractive, but it's not a deathsentence, you retard. How long have you been on this site? Do you realize indoctrination is everywhere? Not just in the media we see on T.V., but poltards have their own agenda that they want people like you to believe aswell, that life is COMPLETELY over if you're not born as x, y or z. And yes, people are shitty and a lot of people wouldn't care about your problems, but they can go fuck themselves too. We're all mental slaves to something, that's the true blackpill.
>what you are describing is also the typical exemple of what not last long and it's not the subject.
i don't know what you're saying