mark edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone who earns less than me = waste of space
Anyone who's earns more than me = up their own arse
Is it possible to live off of neetbux and autism benefits in zone 6 London?
The Wellcome Trust is growing too powerful, the state must step in
exactly, just like dawdling slowcoaches driving slower than me and dangerous arseholes overtaking
wish gran would just take the l so i can go to the pub
what's a good porn?
>Earl archibald fizzleboggins of northumberlaxonia disperses the irish tribes from his shitting grounds, but is attacked by Duke le pipi de la raunche of the holy franconian proto reich
>Prince franz schliffenstein slays 600000000000000000000000 bobist heretics for wanting to pay 99% tax to the church instead of 99.5%, and is in turn awarded the latin title of pedophilicusiusicusicusiciusicus by pope child molester XXXIVVIIIIVVVVXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIXXXXIIIVVVVVVVXXXXXXXXXXXVVVVVVVVXXXXXXXX
>Doge mario shekelianni of the most serene holy roman catholic bank of Pisa increases interest rates on the princes of lower bavonia, leading to his excommunication and the death of 88 gorillion peasants in the ensuing 87 year long war until both sides sue for white peace
European "history"
probably not
move somewhere cheap if you're planning on being a career bennie lord
bored off my tits, lads. bored of playing Among Us all day. think NEET life isn't for me, lads.
you know that image is illegal?
white peace is underrated can easily deathspiral big blobs cos they dont get revanchism
>not staying home alone on christmas day to protect are nhs
the second one is my favourite
Reminder that unless you are speaking about AIDS or a few specific life threatening illnesses, there is no such thing as "asymptomatic".
This is non-refutable. Just deal with the fact that you are being lied to.
"Not stop tears of laugher and sobbing" 10/10" - James O'Brien
very good assessment, this. throws history degrees straight into the bin. arrogant students left dismayed
need something to watch or listen to while i play some fifa lads. any suggestions?
>all my female friends call me an incel because i don't agree with them on everything
>go on their twitters
>it's all of them crying about guys cancelling on them and being alone inbetween shilling their onlyfans for £3
nothing has made me more misogynistic than having female friends
aoc streaming among us on twitch
ah yes, I will trust a random Irish man to know more about medicine than the experts
*na gaun oot for tae help oor nhs
>female friends
no such thing
based viper poster
>selling her body for 3 quid on only fans
>says it’s “empowering”
>call me an incel
no one calls anyone that
hes greek and uses a vpn
>£3 a shag
I know lots of people have lost their jobs but come on...
takey meds
>Viper is prolific, having released 347 albums in the year 2014 alone
the throw shit till it sticks method?
wish I had friends who would find this funny so we could have a big PowerPoint presentation showing off the funny memes we've all found
porn destroys the soul
>347 albums in a year
How have they managed that? That’s more than one a day
wonder what kind of shit world we'll be in if Dean had not followed his instructions to lay down on the floor
No "shit", only gold.
mr viper...
*takes off hat*
I thought you woz dead...
there's 365 days in a year just fyi
there are 365 days in most years but good effort lad, glad to see the braincells are giving it a go
what a bizarre reference that made me laugh
Checked and massively keked
>female friends but single
can smell the sóy radiating from this post
never going to make it
Ri' then lads, which one you having?
fuck off
have you got any coca cola
soy isn't filtered here
im at toil so please keep the content blue board friendly