Does this happen in your country? How can we become like China like this?
Does this happen in your country? How can we become like China like this?
fanboys BTFO
India will overcome China through the power of democracy
Based currycels. WAGECUXKS RISE UP
I used to be a capitalist bootlicker. But I say stuff like this should be more common everywhere.
Seriously fuck defending these massive greedy corporations who don't give a fuck about you. If they could make people work for nothing they would.
A whisper goes around the world. Worker, don't you hear it?
> sell overprice piece of garbage for $1000
> paid $5 per day for worker who made it
> still can't even punctual paid
and Zig Forumstard keep told me that capitalism is greatest economy system
Btw Winston is a Taiwanese company. Just like Foxconn.
It just shows when it comes to business, Taiwanese are ruthless pricks no different from the rest.
Porky fears the Indian workers
Get ublock bro. Fight the adtech menace.
hopefully this inspires wageslaves everywhere to do the same
Based as fuck fuck western capitalists paying slave wages
Based. Workers of the world unite!
This is democracy
those were fucking members of AlTUC associated with CPI, fuck commies. It was also reported that there was no issue with wage and those who did were mostly outsiders, good thing is all those fucktards are caught and I hope we ban these fucking commie scums.
We need jobs and investments. Look at the west leftist media chimping out along with chinks on twitter.
maybe pay your workers next time
Why didn't the factory guards just shoot the wageslaves?
Why are they working if they don't get paid? This is one reason why I cannot bother getting a job. Goverment already pays me for nothing and even low tier jobs like mcdonalds are like you need to pretend that it is your life calling to flip burgers to even have a chance. I have 0 passion for that and can't lie.
>It was also reported that there was no issue with wage and those who did were mostly outsiders
damn... that makes it even more based
You don't have to work there you seething poorfag
>7 million dollars lost
Isn't that literally nothing to Apple?
Read again, they were paid and also, there were no reports of non payments to the officers, you don't know about the commies of India, fuckers closed down our biggest copper plant which lead to us from being net exporter to net importer. And guess who were the frontrunner of those chimps? Yes, it was american leftist media, god I hate commies and American media.
We are a developing nation, we can't afford to have perfect system, we need jobs and investment...things like these affect it, also, western media didn't take time to quote numbers out of their asses which creates another set of problems. But biggest issue is us not being able to control our commie chimps.
>We need jobs and investments
Make your own then. If you stay like this any longer you'll have to compete with poorer nations to keep these jobs in India and I'm not sure India can compete with African wages in the long run.
the last thing you need is more American companies looting the place. they owe you nothing
>How can we become like China like this?
Why would you want to? China worked like slaves for 20 years to get enough wealth to do it themselves. They accepted shit pay for 20 years.
India wants to shit so they're shitting on Apple's slave wages and working conditions so they can get paid NOW.
Seems based to me.
You see the issue is not the money but the optics, about investment friendliness, if more events like these happen investment will dry out and our country will remain shithole, recently we are seeing huge surge inflow of investment but things like that make companies question their choice, we can't afford to have these kinds of dumbfuckery.
>we can't afford to have perfect system
It's much better to start that now then later because it's much easier training a puppy to shit outside then when he's already 2 years old.
Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale
Unites the human race.
No more deluded by reaction,
On tyrants only we'll make war!
The soldiers too will take strike action,
They'll break ranks and fight no more!
And if those cannibals keep trying,
To sacrifice us to their pride,
They soon shall hear the bullets flying,
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.
No saviour from on high delivers,
No faith have we in prince or peer.
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.
E'er the thieves will out with their booty,
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do their duty,
And we'll strike the iron while it's hot.
>Goverment already pays me for nothing and even low tier jobs like mcdonalds are like you need to pretend that it is your life calling to flip burgers to even have a chance
In Sweden, you get paid $20 an hour flipping burgers. Is it way lower in Finland?
just look at this cuck lmao
Yeah where will they go? If they wanted to go to SEA they would have already, China is probably getting pricey, Africa doesn't have the size, proximity to markets and infrastructure to do this stuff.
beelkul boht BASED
These companies by investing in India make sure they have access to the biggest market other than China and if things go well great future prospects and more profit, so we both need each other.
>American companies looting the place
Nope, these industries give rise to local suppliers which creates an ecosystem of our own, you would get it but it's no same as anyone looting anyone
Are you a ladyboy?
based Indians
What proof do you have that the workers were paid when literally every news source is reporting that the workers were unpaid? Do we just take your word for it?
SEA is a good alternative, they already churn out large number of products but what they don't have is the market and the workforce like we, even Africa is Billion plus but we provide a certain balance but there's a limit to everything and we can't take anything for granted.
Why do you use $ when talking about Sweden? And it's like 10€/h minwage tier stuff.
Why does this Indian hate commies? The commies are protesting about unfair farmer trade laws, seems pretty based to me.
that's how powerful american influence is on political discourse, even on Zig Forums
urm BASED?
This is a Taiwanese company which makes smartphone for apple, xiaomi and many others. You can't just replace them out of the blue, you need them to kickstart the industry then soon ecosystem will become self-sustaining.
I was in some minimum wage thread a month or so ago, and Sweden started talking about how he's a McDonald's wageslave, but he gets paid $20 an hour and how he can live comfortably in his nice apartment.
Would it be a stretch to say that you haven't worked in a factory and it's highly unlikely that you will in the future ?
BASED. Why is every indian post and thread so great?
Extremely based
It's not Apply or Taiwan or whatever, it's people being cunts and capitalism enabling them.
Remember, if they could get away with paying you as little as possible, they would. They never gave a fuck about (you).
They were quoting a faggot from AITUC which is associated with commies of CPI, that was not official report.
b-but listen here commie, minimum wage is PROVEN to to lower job opportunities and wages in the long run.
I have already been placed in a company so you are wrong about it, also, how much do you really know about India?
yeah and i'll fuck your mom and sis pussies too
and lower wages help companies provide more employment opportunities (not stock buybacks!)!! or so I've heard from a certain group
after all the state and richoids only care about themselves
Well it can definitely lower job opportunities because some companies could really be too poor to give good pay but of course this is about Apple... They have all the money.