I'm naming my soon to be born daughter Emilia. What are your thoughts on the name
I'm naming my soon to be born daughter Emilia. What are your thoughts on the name
>I'm naming my soon to be born daughter Emilia.
Dont like it, sound like a dude's name
I wanted to name my daughter Karen but that is ruined now...
Why not Alberta?
My friend almost named her daughter Vitoria (triumph in Portuguese).
Then I explained that this name is literally 90% of the times given to children who was found in garbage. She googled in her phone and realize it was true.
She is still mad at me.
good name
Emilia Romagna mentioned lads
It's not explicitly Biblical, you should name her to something more pious. What about something more proper, like Maria Imaculada, Maria Auxiliadora, ou Rita de Cássia...
why not call her Malvina?
whore name
good name for a portuguese
I like it, if by miracle I had a daughter, I'll call her Roxanne
If I were to had a daughter I'd at least 'hide' "Alphonsine" as a second name.
Why not Honoria
>Biblical names
I vomit
Only nigger use jew names.
your daughter will be the perfect little whore for the vicious BBC
I will name my daughter Freja
>not Maria
What the fuck is this apocalyptic "beach" Alberto ?
Is this your daughter?
My name is Emilio, how does it sound in Portuguese?
pretty normal
Take one of the team and name her "Death to Israel"
Most of the western world have jew names
Gonna name my daughter Eliza!
amazing place, praia do arieiro
I hope you won't call her after an anime character
Cute name, good on you Portugalbro
And how do you rest on that kind of rocks ?
Be sure to give her lots of love user
>name is literally 90% of the times given to children who was found in garbage
Do... do they really?
for the rocky beaches people already know they have to bring their own beach chairs. but usually there are quite a few bars close by to just chill there
whore name desu
Your daughter sounds like best girl
Emilia is a based name. I prefer Amilia a bit more but still based.