
What went so fucking wrong?

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Unironically? Italians

I dont know but trans right are human rights.

Anyway my issue is that a nigga wanna buy something online and have it delivered to me but then my parents are gonna see it and they finna be like "ayo whats in this?" and im just like "thats none of ya business" but they be more curious than ever. I mean shit.

They put in application almost every single economic theory known to man with the except of the ones that actually work.
I wish I was memeing

Which ones should they have put in that actually work

It's like they went through the prosperity --> decay --> degeneracy cycle quicker than everyone else and are currently in the radically leftist end times we're expecting elsewhere in the West

>trans right are human rights
Trans don't have special rights that normals don't have because that would be unfair, they have the same human rights as everyone else. Free hormones aren't a human rights, free doctor gender visits aren't a human rights, free non-life threatening surgeries aren't a human right, etc.


Argentina healthcare system is a joke.
People are dieing in lines to medicine because government prioritize hormones for degenerates.

Here with my hormones paid with your taxes.

Las mujeres trans son mujeres reales

Transition is a health issue and should be provided for free.

Liberal capitalism

Aka not try to steal people's income through dumb taxes for populist votes. Like the new law that taxes any form of wealth even in the form of stocks.

Homosexuality is a health issue.

so normal therapy should be provided to them for free, not some hormones they can take just to inevitably commit suicide

>elect president who soon is a faggot
>president is pro faggot
Who could have guest?

Sam shit will happen to america with Biden son being a crack addict.

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Its always a bunch of thirdies seething at trans people for existing :D

No its not

No, the hormones should be provided.

Transition is a mental health issue and trannies should be locked up before they hang themselves


Homosexuality is a mental issue. It was always being threat as a mental issue. But some faggots started to raid psychological convention in late 70's and throw shit infected with aids on people (yes, this really happen) and then they remove form the list of mental issue.

Damn, so gays acting like brazilians got them removed from mental issue list ?

Wrong, "transition" is not a (health) issue, it's what gets passed as a solution to the issue (which is mental illness making you think you're a different sex).
It's not a real solution either because you didn't fix the underlying issue (the mental illness) but tried to change reality to accomodate the mental illness instead.
No, wrong hormones and sex changing surgery should be discouraged and alternative solutions should be researched. Hormones a d sex change surgery should never be free just like drugs and nose jobs and other cosmetic BS isn't free.
You are not threatened and you're not unhealthy by being yourself in your own unmutilated body, you're mentally ill and need to fix that.

In swedden the government remove them from the list because in the mid 80's people started to call their offices and claim that they can't go to work because they feel gay.
Not making this shit up.

Isn't argentina first lady a tranny or something

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that is all finns do
do you really think he believes the dumb shit he posted?

>I've never read Freud

He would constantly stress it a non-issue.
Use the Bible, because you don't understand psychology, or psychiatry, and it only serves to disallow yourself. Also, look up for "histeria".

Also, you will never be a woman.

sounds pretty based

Because they feel gay? Fron hormones? I mean, I'm not surprised but that's funny


We were the testing ground for all the shit you are seeing right now.

No immigration checks? We made it so there were none.
Unlimited women for women and other shit? 100%
Ultra high taxes (that the small business pay and the big ones, friends of the govt. don't pay)? Check

Imagine believing in this heuheuheuhuehhue

In the 70's Brazil under a U.S.A. dictatorship (result from it's economic boom from petroil exploration), and science was totally disregarded in the territory.

You are still dumb and hysterical hueuhehuehueuhueh

I know a few business people from Argentina that move their shit to Brazil.
One of them told me something.
>hire colombian woman
>she gets pregnant (can't fire)
>6 months paid leave
>she comes back (can't fire)
>she gets pregnant again

Soon most children will be Colombian because this stupid rule.

not even reading yalls transphobes posts its just more and more thirdie seethe

You know, we already have laws taxing stocks and other bonds.

The difference is that this new one has a higher tax rate and you have to pay it at the same time of the regular tax.
At least women will abort for free


I'm fine with reading people desperatly throwing tantrums, because there is nothing else they can do, really, but the lack of originality is a bit disappoiting, desu.

That's great. What is the point?

You will never be a man, either.

It truly is like living a nightmare.

It's what you will see in the US, due to the demographic change.

Europe will be different, they will have economic misery but not this amount of social unrest we have here.

why colombians, do we have some special right?
there are paraguayas, venezolanas, chilenass even argentinas in argentina. lol



Kek, I already am.
Kill yourself aberration. You will never pass as a woman, no one will ever find you attractive.

You'll never be a woman

That's what he told me.
He was from entre rios, maybe there are more Colombias there.

You'll never be a woman either


Just because you mutilate your cock, doesn't mean that you are woman.
When you kill yourself, your parents will use your birth name.


You can't hide how invested and passionate you are about transvestites.

And that's one of the main problems why Argentina is doing so badly.
While it's true that Argentinians are better educated why would you, as an investor, invest there when you can do it in Chile, Uruguay or Brazil and not get slapped each year with a new incredibly dumb tax that pretty much only exist in Argentina.

I find it interesting that Peronism is still so popular but if you look into that ideology you soon realize that anyone and anything can be a peronist. Which in turn only created even worst ideologies like kirchnerism which is pretty much just kleptomania mixed with lefty populism at this point.

I am 100% sure a part of our decay is the demographic change we suffer.
Pro abortion women look like goblinas of doubtful nationality, feminists do too. Healthcare, hospitals, public education mostly look like you're in Bolivia or something, same shit with human rights and whatnot.
How do we stop this and start getting our shit together?

IDK, usually colombians that go to argentina are either to university because is free, or to move you know what.

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nigga why you be speaking like a black person

Reminds me of this article

Some accounting companies come here because there are a shit ton of accountants from local unis and we are ultra cheap. Like,3000 USD a year cheap.

Any other industry is dead. The only good things for investors is that we can give a shit ton of our hours for pennies.

Oh and peronism... that's a topic for another thread, we could talk for hours

what do you actually know about peronism??

That's because 90% claim to be peronists without really being that and only wanting votes. They are either liberals, leftists or social democrats.
I'm sure if the old man rised from the grave and sewed his hands back he would butchslap each one of these fuckers.