>university and trade schoosl are free in europe
>most euros on this board live off welfare
University and trade schoosl are free in europe
I pretended to be schizho and got on ssi within 3 months. All you have to do is say you hear voices and they tell you not to trust others.
Not everyone gets in. Universities especially are hard I gave up on that failing the entrance exams 3 times
too lazy to do anything desu
>bro just work some shit job that literal immigrants do out of desperation
wagey wagey get up and work for your paygey
i finished my biology master degree
now on welfare due to covid economy
Trade schools have tuition fees in the US? Lmao that's fucked up lol
Why do Americans fetishize work that much? Also free doesn't mean that there are unlimited resources or that you have unlimited access. If you fail exams too often you get kicked out and banned from choosing that major ever again.
except pathways are locked, you will be doing 4 years of extra if you want to switch, the best way to take advantage is to be a foreigner
just go to a college with lower standards
Doesn't matter if it's free when you are dumb as a sack of shit.
I failed my maths and a couple other grades, didn't get into a gymnasium after that.
Tried to fix my grades in a school for retards over the summer but nah. Turns out I have something called Dyscalculia, something in my brain where numbers are processed is broken.
>tfw the EU actually pays you to go study in another European cunt and met local girls
>defeated by a virus (one of the smallest biological organisms)
You're no master...
American's even pay tuition fees for public colleges that are tax-funded, lmao
because I am in uni and the government pays for it
A low tier university in Iowa has better quality education than some top tier university in Germany fyi.
There is no such thing. All public universities have more or less that same standards.
Americans pay fees for literally everything lmao
gigabased. If your country isn't in Erasmus+, it's 3rd world
Free universities encourage students to be lazy and complacent because it's "someone else's money". Here in Brazil people will take their sweet time and graduate in 8+ years sometimes.
don't call public school low tier, their research income is massive compared to "top tier university" in germany
imagine being this delusional
>just get an education bro
I know graduates who had trouble even getting a warehouse job. Some people are going to be permanently unemployed or underemployed no matter what.
>All public universities have more or less that same standards.
But I doubt that they have the same candidate:vacancy ration.
>don't call public school low tier, their research income is massive
>measuring the quality of education in terms of research grants
You just went full retard
most of Zig Forums is lazy faggots or outright schizos
Isnt it the american universities which are politized and this sjw shit rampart? I've yet to see anything like it here
it's all corruption. Public unis get funds from the state and the government and the government also subsidizes tuition for the majority of students (FASFA) and universities still charge $15k tuition and raise it every year to give themselves a raise and pay for a new football stadium and basketball court.
I've heard about people with master's etc in Canada who drive cabs.
they are related, there are very bad schools in america but they are not public
we just don't have jobs here
>been receiving scholarship for 9 years now
>about to finish free masters degree
>gonna go on welfare and continue putting all my statebuxx into crypto
burgers could never, kek
>quality of research matters more than level of education for students
>they are related
Utter nonsense. Excelling at education and excelling at research are two strictly separate domains.
Whats the deal with college sports anyway? Is that even a thing in any other country?