Does Zig Forums really think my country is dangerous to visit? if so why?
Does Zig Forums really think my country is dangerous to visit? if so why?
I think it's probably safer than France or the UK, considering the waves of Islamic terrorist attacks that have taken place in the last few years.
Cartels and numerous opportunistic muggers and pickpockets. I still want to visit cartagena someday though.
I've been, it felt dangerous.
farc, rampant criminiality, narcos
we haven't had a terrorist attack in years
>I still want to visit Cartagena someday though.
go is pretty nice there
where did u go?
Yes, when I think about Colombia I think about narcos, guerrillas and street assaulters. The same about all latin america, honestly.
The only Latin American nations I think are safe to visit are Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
Biggest terrorist movement in Europe has been the IRA
Been there, Is not as long as you arent a fucking retard (applies to all of latinamerica really)
I don't think it's dangerous, but that's just because I already live in a similar place
Although you niggas have way too many fake money in circulation wich can be a bit annoying
I want to go so I can have sex with all of the women
its like any other country, if you're dumb and gullible you'll probably regret it, if you play it smart, nothing will happen to you
how do I sex a Columbiana who's visiting my country?
brown people, poverty.
I miss him so much...
You guys speak Spanish.
Jhon Jairo, tu país sigue siendo mierda, solo que ya no existen el Cartel de Medellin y las Autodefensas Unidas, pero aun tienen al Cartel del Golfo, tambien conocido como el Clan Ursula, las disidencias de las FARC y ademas de los barrios de mierda. Bogota ademas no tiene metro.
because white people are money pinata, if you're lucky you'll just get harassed/scammed.
>if so why?
kidnappings, guerillas, drug trade, muggers, astronomic murder rate.
>Where did you go?
He went to Venezuela and mixed up the flags.
Colombia is probably the most civilised countries in latin america, especially compared to brazilian monkeys
I've been to Colombia four or five times. it's definitely a dangerous country, but not nearly as bad as memes and old white people would've had me believe
i made frens with a colombian exchange student qt from pasto at my university and i'm gonna go visit her when coronameme is over
was she light skin? never been to pasto but people there look like that
come here u fag
nah I prefer having latinx hoes delivered to my house
It's an abject shithole but if you are not braindead you won't have any problem.
you want people to come so you can abduct them
she's not white or med looking if that's what you mean, shes a brown mestiza but with european facial features. she's also fairly emo/alternative which seemed odd to me at first for a latin american girl but maybe it's more common than i think, idk.
also how is pasto or the nariño/south west region viewed by other colombians?
You built a reputation in the 90's. Luckily for you the narco wars moved north.