Would you like to have a Traditional gf from Finland, Turku?
Would you like to have a Traditional gf from Finland, Turku?
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no can't stand the turku speech disability
I'm not into black women.
Probably not so traditional considering the Korea-tier birthrate
no, I want an Oulu's racists qt gf that call me shitskin
We don't talk about Oulu
Not since the incident at the pig farm
and wtf has to do pigs with women?
Is she really in Turku?
low test
Just stop talking about Oulu already
why are finns so homonculoid
It's Åbo you mongol fucks
Could you shut the fuck up already?
the BLACK QVEENS of finland i kneel
it's too fat
We don't call them "it" in this country
we call everyone it tho
do u guys know her?
no, fuck off
fuck off*
Yeeaah bro I know erry single braphog in Finlan
move here and fuck her
I would
literally do it faggot
can't wait to do it user, I'll fuck the shit out of her, mark my words
good we dont care i hope you also make mutt babies with her
Thanks user, you make me recover hope in life
You got a job here already? Did you get accepted to a university?
I was thinking to apply to a university in Tampere or Helsinki, don't have a job there but I've money to stay for a couple of months without one, which one would u recommend me?
Probably the one that isn't in Helsinki
tampere would be cheaper to live in at least.
yeah, sounds better, you know what, let's exchange places, I'm sure you're gonna have a lot of fun over here, what u think?