1. You're country

1. You're country
2. What animals you have?

1. Russian Federation
2. We have tigers

Attached: tiger.jpg (1200x800, 417.9K)

Come on no one on int has animals in country?


Attached: Badgers_Badgers[1].gif (371x269, 207.79K)


Attached: jaguar.jpg (643x361, 113.35K)

we have chameleon :)

Attached: chameleon.png (504x461, 11.92K)

Yes america that is cool
But you have tigers?

Our coat of arms has the emu and kangaroo, both of which are delicious.

1. France
2. we have Africans

all, we had saber cats but they died not too long ago

we had tigers
the manlet one
java tiger
now only the sumatra one left

ringed seals

Attached: 1589631284327.jpg (1198x799, 77.77K)

We have F O X E S

Attached: W6A5RXAUYFA2FKPUCVGLIDCHDU.jpg (1200x811, 224.64K)

why are the cats disappearing? scared of pussy??

cute one
my ex loved them
seals in general i mean

We have almost all types of animals in India, almost as diverse as the whole continent of Africa
Tigers, lions, snow leopards, leopards, gaurs, elephants, rhinos, crocodiles, cobras and many more!

Nice. Ours too.

Attached: 250px-Jata_MalaysiaV2.png (250x200, 48.04K)

in the case of giant cats in america they died because dogs were better hunters

>The jaguar (Panthera onca) is a large felid species and the only extant member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas. The jaguar's present range extends from the extreme southwestern United States and Mexico in North America, across much of Central America, and south to Paraguay and northern Argentina in South America.

We have brazilians

France has part of South America.

haven't heard of those. any photos?

we have a snake that is not snake

Attached: images.jpg (660x330, 55.19K)

Are you on French Guyanna?

So fucking based

Attached: 939c698d122f778e26ebd9331748656e.jpg (500x750, 32.76K)

I just remembered but feels like cheating

Ugh, the Chameleon Empire

These little fuckers...

Attached: hyttynen2.jpg (468x332, 12.33K)

ah yes we have those too

...can do a lot of damage when they attack in large groups.

Attached: hyttysten raatelema.jpg (640x480, 80.81K)

how do we solve the mosquito question?

Attached: 9d7.jpg (463x327, 56.62K)

Is that just a giant worm ?
