for me it's /sci/, /g/ and occasionally /his/
What other boards does Zig Forums browse?
I started on Zig Forums with Zig Forums because it was the most "loud" and "shiny" board. Now I use 90% Zig Forums and some /fa/, /trv/, /ck/ and /n/
I don't browse any other board. Are there any good boards that provide more useful information than the equivalent subreddit?
depends on what you want to know, but /sci/ has significantly less faggots than any subreddit
the same can't be said about /g/ though
and /his/ has a bunch of reddit-tier atheists
90% Zig Forums and occasionally /ck/ and /lgbt/, and some select threads elsewhere
/vrpg/, /lgbt/ and Zig Forums
All the porn ones, esp /d/
/his/, /vrpg/ and /tg/
Ocsasionaly Zig Forums, Zig Forums and less /an/
Very rarely Zig Forums, /d/ and /x/
are you that jordanian faggot who keeps posting twink threads
Mostly /his/ but it's shit, i don't remember if it was always like this but it definitely got shittier recently.
I used to frequent Zig Forums and Zig Forums but the quality is so low I've pretty much stopped
So right now it's /g/, /his/ and occasionally /lit/
literally none
the quality of 4cuck is non existant
it's shit because of the boom in reddit tier atheists
and also it's a dying board, on its way to becoming a new /lit/
Zig Forums, /lit/, /his/, /g/, /sci/, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /adv/, /trv, /n/, /news/, Zig Forums, /ck/, /an/, /sp/, Zig Forums, /s/. I rarely ever venture outside of these
My main ones are probably Zig Forums Zig Forums, and /his/
None, I used to post on /his/ but literally 99.5% of the posts there are low effort shitposts, unsurprisingly.
Not going to answer you if you use that word. shithead.
It was shit from the beginning, people were just more delusional and optimistic at first.
>the boom in reddit tier atheists
I'd take five of these in exchange for one cringy contrarian Christian larper spouting vague bullshit just to stand out.
only /sp/ and /trv/ really
sometimes go on other boards to see what's going on or to laugh at them
I used to go on /qa/ when it was unlisted and not shit. soyspammers and mods really killed that place off for good. and /g/ just makes me want to vomit every time I go there from habit.
never seen him 2bh
>/g/ just makes me want to vomit every time I go there from habit.
literally same
>never seen him 2bh
Really? It's very hard to miss the average "Christian" poster on /his/ and /lit/. Biggest cancer on Zig Forums. I wouldn't even give a shit if they were at least genuine and not moralizing contrarians.
Faci fir?
i post anywhere
all the hobbyist boards are useles because at a certain age you realise all 4channelers are full of shit and have no clue what they're talking about
and the rare decent posts are just drowned out in masses of shit
Zig Forums and Zig Forums for the lulz
/bant/ and Zig Forums for shitposting
/ck/ and /an/ sometime for advice, but both board are filled with their own respective autist
And finally /wsg/ when I'm bored at job
facut maestre
bazat oranj postac
None int provideds my daily dose of mental illness if I browsed any others I wuld go insane
just Zig Forums and Zig Forums for the MBTI thread only
occasionally Zig Forums too
/sci/, /his/, /adv/, Zig Forums, /lit/
Zig Forums to baitpost. I'll sometimes create a shitzo thread and see how many retards think it's real. Truly is the least intelligent board on here.