Is it common to shower every day in your country?
Here in Brazil it is. I like to shower at morning, it gives me energy to tackle a day of hard work.
Is it common to shower every day in your country?
Here in Brazil it is. I like to shower at morning, it gives me energy to tackle a day of hard work.
haven't showered in 2 weeks because I haven't bought a new shower head yet
I shower at night so I don't go into bed filthy.
i only shower when i have work
I usually shower every other day. Preferably in the morning or afternoon so I dont go to bed with wet hair
I shower after work to get the day off me
in the morning I just wash my hair
and generally I stopped using soap/shampoo altogether a few months ago, I only use conditioner for my hair every few days
skin and hair look better than before ever since
Showering at night saves time in the morning
Only conditioner?
If I do that my hair looks and feels so greasy, granted I have oily skin an very mild acne
why dont euros shower twice a day, its refreshing
Not why thrice a day ?
2 times at week
I like to shower right before bed but then I’m groggy all morning and my hair is a mess and I just generally look like crap until I shower.
yea it worked surprisingly well
I stopped using shampoo right after the hairdresser when my hair was really short so I didn't have to deal with some "transition phase"
my skin got a bit worse before it got better at first, but after about 2 weeks it pretty much sorted itself out
Phew, thanks for reminding me, it's almost time for my annual shower. I just lost track of time from all the bitches, you know?
>I like to shower at morning, it gives me energy to tackle a day of hard work.
I also tried using only conditioner and it didn’t work for me. Greasy hair. acne. I ended up just switching my soap to dove body bar and now it’s good but my skin is still dry af.
i don't see the issue
It's just the cringeworthy way Brazilian posters write, I couldn't resist. Plus Brazil is the biggest soybean nation on earth, so we're the kings of soy.
mild climate so no need
You all soap your hair?
You're one to talk about cringeworthy posts.
I shower everyday, sometimes twice.
It's the weather, they just don't sweat when it isn't Summer so they don't feel the need to.
(They still smell because of it though).
You sound like a faggot
Everyone showers everyday. Do you have autism by any chance? If so, sorry for being so rude.
ok friend
I would have figured with the electric showerheads you would want to minimize the frequency of your showering
I'm sorry, what?
Since I've been working from home I shower like once a week. Due to an issue from when I was a child I can't really smell anything and I live alone, so I don't care.
I shower weekly
Probably a roastie.
Every human being on earth showers every single day.
you smell like shit but no one has the heart to tell you
I shower like every four days and I still smell better than fatties who shower daily just by virtue of being thin. Besides shower-obsessed freaks make their bodies produce more oil to compensate for the depletion of skin oils caused by excessive showering and they end up smelling worse anyway.
it's winter