Population of Africa (58 countries): 1.35 billion

>Population of Africa (58 countries): 1.35 billion
>Population of India: 1.38 billion

what the fuck somebody stop them

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in 100 years there will be african countries with similar population to india

Most of them are dirt poor farmers that harmed nobody, leave them alone

>Western niggas be like "noo you can't have kids stoop you need to buy a hecking doggerino like me"

They should move to Europe.

yes, imagine 500 million gypsies

There's more space and resources in Africa. Europe literally has nothing anymore.

you're wrong

Who cares?
I just want to see chaos and mayhem.

what African country could possibly support that kind of population?
india is a shithole but at least they have fertile soil and abundant water sources to feed their people

India can sustain a big population. I doubt if Africa can sustain the same density of people.

you get fed by the west all you gotta do is pump out more children and africans are master at this. Nigeria will have almost a billion by the end of the century

Africa has 10x the land mass surely they've got a decent amount of land to farm on

their home countries will turn communist and they will be turned to tools of profit of the state and immigration will be curtailed and population controlled.

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india could easily be split up into 58 countries

To be fair India is like twenty different countries smushed into one.

People here have also been building good irrigation and water storage systems for centuries. You can see many barrage on rain fed rivers and many ponds/reservoirs dotting throughout the map. When there are heavy rains in the monsoon, the water gets stored in them which can be used later in the dryer years.

The answer is simple: Napalm

Lots of Napalm

I was talking about the density.

There will be food for Nigerians (from Nigeria) but not for Nigerians (from Niger)

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*dryer months.

i swear i've seen you make this comment before

correct. most people don't realise "India" was never really a thing until the partition of the British Raj. dozens of warring kingdoms and countries before they were all conquered.

I foresee these countries being higher at risk for successful communist activity.
the red will turn to communism in the future the blue will confirm to be anti-communist and capitalist.
the oil countries in arabia will see communism prevail after oil runs out or loses out on profit.

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That's like saying Germany was never a thing.
Mauryan and Mughal empires spanned amost the entire modern country and they all shared some cultural traits, be it religion, cuisine etc.

who would win in the 1st world vs non 1st world?

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just imagine what a shithole this world is gonna be 50 years from now holy fuck, i'm so glad i probably won't by alive by then

This. African countries certainly don't have the infrastructure to support such large populations

>This. African countries certainly don't have the infrastructure to support such large populations
more likely for mass death than mass migration if im being honest


anyway, africans having 8 children per woman is completely fine

53% of India is arable land

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>I foresee these countries being higher at risk for successful communist activity.
You clearly have not seen the arc of history in China and India then. China under everyone but Xi has been economically liberalizing, and India has utterly crushed its communist insurgency movements and the recent election in 2019 basically killed the Left on a national level. The world will be more capitalist until there are no more third world countries to export labor to, and then by that time scarcity should have been solved.