Japan is producing the best porn in the world

Compared to the West and Japan's own sister Asian countries, Japan has produced the most degenerate porn out there. Chinese and Korean porn are hard to come by due to the countries strict laws so the best you can get is Vanilla ass Cam girls. So far no other country has come close to produce top tier quality Scat and Bestiality porn like the Japanese have with variety! Maybe Brazil and Germany but they don't have high quality production value like the Japanese.

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Japan makes anything better.

Your women have sex with Japanese men

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lol be proud, you guys are making better BBC porn than we do and i'm just so damn proud of you guys!
yes long live glorious JAPAN!

White girls are a big thing in JAV right now

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delete it.

I'd agree with you if all their stuff wasn't pixelated.
Might as well not exist.
Oh well, 2D is better anyway.


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Japanese BBC porn is a literal gif from god, also this just proves that you mutts enjoy interracial porn as much as we do

you think Serbian women would do the same?

>best porn in the world
thats russians on tor

We aren't big on producing porn here because it is seen as shameful.
Even generic musicians are seen as giga whores and pseudo prostitutes here, as they should be.

uhh B A S E D???

Where can i watch japanese bestiality porn? Asking for a friend?

just search it up bro

Have they found an Ai Uehara replacement yet? Her retiring left a hole in my dick that will never be replaced.

>bad teacher
My God. The Japanese have even manage to fetishize Davido.

>Ai Uehara
what type of porn did she do?

She literally looks Asian to me

Watch Bakky. Greatest Japanese porn ever. Actual Yakuza drowning women and making them eat shit, and other stuff. Most of the fish/octopus/dog porn is from them.

thanks bro, will definitely watch all their content

i recall that thread when some takeshi asked why do westerners love double penetration so much. i asked him shouldnt u just be jacking off to hentai or jav and he said that western women is best


Japanese porn is terrible.

t. gigacoomer

Attached: S.webm (1920x1048, 2.87M)

I think I should stop watching porn, I don't want to become like this guy.

White girls are the best

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is that animal even japanese?
the ride never ends
Japanese girls are the best

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She is obviously not Japanese. That doesn't even make sense given my post..

Attached: BlondeAsian.webm (960x720, 2.89M)

pigskins are fucking gross, get yourself a Japanese goddess

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>porn is good
Degenerated and redpilled

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Bluepilled *

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post jap feet

Also based dark web porn connoisseur

What, the girl you posted is not attractive at all. There are many attractive Japanese women, but Japanese porn as a whole is not good at all compared to European/American produced porn because the women are far less attractive (of all races).

Attached: Sweeney.webm (640x1136, 3M)

yeah your just fucking b a s e d

Attached: 14 Sexy Office Lady - Lee Eun Hye-Very cute asian girl - girlcute4u.blogspot.com.jpg (933x1400, 664.45K)