I travelled to Spain from the US once on business during the summer, a traditional break for the UK. Because I am not bald and overweight, don’t look inbred, and speak Spanish, I was able to avoid the events that were to come. I was relaxing in a cervezaria with a few friends I had made when I began to hear the chants. Loyal Spaniards, fed up with the disgusting British “people”, had taken to the streets. They were chanting the popular slogans of the Caudillo, and “Muerte al Anglo!” as they strode through the city. I had no choice to join them as they surrounded the bars and hotels where the typically drunk Brits were shirtless and yelling unintelligibly. All of a sudden I heard screams and the Spaniards began to drag the Brits from the rooms and bars, pushing them into a circle in the plaza mayor. Once a hundred or so brits has been gathered, the angry Spanish mob began to pelt then with excrement and beer bottles, a fitting attack on the disgusting people that previously laid this same waste to the Spanish streets. Eventually the modern conquistadors had enough and began to chase the bruised and bloody Brits, running then throughout the streets. Any Brit caught by the riot was promptly strung up by his heels and hung from the lampposts, where he would be again subjected to missiles of feces and liquor bottles. This carried on throughout the night, the screams of the Anglo creatures shrieking throughout the city. It is hard to say how many survived, but that night I slept like a baby. A fair warning to you British, be careful where you holiday, for I have been told that the running of the Anglo has become a local tradition...
Why are the British so universally hated?
gee willeckers that’s a lot of text
not a word
I don't hate those fallen "aristocrat"
Ignore this warning at your own peril
nary a pixel
I read it but I wish I hadn't
il take a brit over a creatura a 100 times thats for sure
Las creaturas son tus hijos
I see the British are afraid to comment
Bump lol
He is joking
I don't know how it is in other parts of Spain but you just have to present them with a balcony and they themselves end their lives. What the fuck is wrong with anglos and balconies?
The Anglo is incapable of thought, they are always so wasted they cannot function rationally
The virgin anglo fears the Chad Conquistador
I refuse to believe Englishmen can be THIS based
When will Europe unite to eliminate the Anglo menace?
shut up fat
god I hate english people
t. English scum on vacation in Marseille
Based, thank you Isis terrorist!
The visigoth fears the Saxon
stop making those baits mutt or at least have some tact
fuck you angloid shit
We're not sending our best to Spain.
> Why yes Im british, how could you tell
You apparently didn’t send your best to America either in 1776
French people are so irrelevant they have no authority to speak
why you're acting as if amerifags were any different from bongs jfl
This is clearly satire. The only believable one is the ISIS chant