1 in 5 Americans are currently food insecure

>1 in 5 Americans are currently food insecure
This true? Any mutts here starving?

Attached: 1608076237988.png (1146x1089, 250.57K)

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Yes. I'm down to nearly 320 lbs. I'm all skin and bones. Please send help.

ban finns

averahe americans have appetite equal to hippopotamus

Even the homeless are overweight

That's why 20% are food insecure, they Amerifats bully then and steal their food so there's nothing left.

What does food insecure mean?

The average American eats 10 burgers per day, the ones that can only eat 4 burgers are considered food insecure.

>ban finns

i'm sure the trailer parks and inner cities especially have some horrible things going on, but i try not to live in one

what do you think all that rioting was about


Food insecurity is a lack of access to enough food for a healthy lifestyle. In 2018, about 11 percent of US households were food insecure at least some time during the year. Food insecurity tends to be higher in households relying on social assistance, single-parent homes, ethnic minorities and people who are homeless or house insecure. The number of food insecure Veterans is also high among those who served in the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These Veterans are almost twice as likely to be food insecure compared to the general population.

elaborate the horrible things

that's just blacks and black sympathizers being used as political pawns, again, and falling for it, again.

The prelude to people running out of money, since they need to get to work to live paycheck to paycheck.

Nothing. He's lying

...nigs gonna nig? do you live under a rock or something?

>why you so fat?
>why you have no food?
Zig Forums is stupid

you should see the horror stories of child neglect, particularly by black mothers. it shouldn't be hard to find one of those stories out of detroit, chicago, or florida

Yeah, because they are out of work or live paycheck to paycheck. I get that but then again when I was homeless I always had food since I used food banks a lot.

If only you knew user

Attached: usa.jpg (1242x1082, 101.64K)

black chimpout and people not liking wage slavery

>what do you think all that rioting was about
liberals chimping out, who cares

> Dark Winter
Quite the name the deep state globalists came up for their meta-psyop

please read. millions die of starvation in any given year. in the USA too


that's because of covid

remember when they started threads every day about how it economically affected the usa?

they did that every day until they all saw it fucked them more

I don't get how Americans can't live on $50,000/yr. When I did I had so much money I didn't know what to do with it.

Nah. I think that’s bullshit. Yeah, it exists but 1 in 5 is shockingly high. Sounds like a bullshit term and bullshit statistic.

why do nonsense shit threads like this get so far?
ignore finns you tards

If you have kids, debt, high fixed payments, or crazy cost of living. Most people that don’t live on that have some combination of the above and ar exceedingly wasteful. My sister makes $75k per year and lives essentially in poverty because she has a kid, debt, and blows all her money on clothes, furniture, car payments, you name it. She drives a brand née Jeep Wrangler.

>Sounds like a bullshit term and bullshit statistic.
wow, posted by a finn, noooo

>remember when they started threads every day about how it economically affected the usa?
>they did that every day until they all saw it fucked them more

yes, they did the same with covid death percentages until they saw they were more fucked on that too

Zig Forums is nothing but cherrypicked shit about america
it's how these pathetic faggots make themselves feel better about their shit countries

I just don't understand that man. Im going to clear six figures this year and I can't get myself to spend more than $5000 on a car. When I was renting I couldn't be assed to spend more than $1000 on rent. I just don't get how people get themselves trapped in debt slavery.

Keywords: The post.
Basketball american, I'm not even a leftie but your shit is all cringe.

Probably means they're not starving but they're unsure if they'll be able to get enough food soon.

Read "There Are No Children Here."

A lot of people "live above their means" as it is called. They buy expensive things they don't need, and they often don't even buy it with money they have but with money they borrow (credit cards).

I still can't touch my dollars because your currency is weak right now.

the classic car lease. this girl at my old job got tricked into some contract that was like 76 months iirc

Getting woke points on social media

Think of all the poor landlords who won't be receiving their rent checks

See you on another crazy thing is my credit cards give me back somewhere around $1,000 to $3,000 a year. Yet I have no debt on them. I don't understand the consoomer attitude it's fine to buy stuff you like just consider the financial repercussions of it.
My buddy was spending about $1,500 a month on his Dodge chargers payments plus insurance. People really do this here.

Every american who is not obesse is food insecure

What's so different about Alabama?

Attached: alabama thread.jpg (833x678, 280.73K)

Yup I only have one little jar of peanut butter to last me for food all day.

Everyone lives on a trailer and you can't tax those.
Which is actually pretty brilliant.

>it's fine to buy stuff you like just consider the financial repercussions of it
It is good that you do, but clearly many Americans (and people in any other country) don't.

it's poorer. the south is generally poorer (yes i'm aware the south has rich neighborhoods. that's why i said generally)

I have enough fat on my body to get me through 3 months. Sounds pretty secure to me, euro.

Cost of living is very low.