Do you think it would be a good idea to learn Mandarin now that China is going to be taking over the world?

Do you think it would be a good idea to learn Mandarin now that China is going to be taking over the world?

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No, I already learn it since I was born here, but I do recommend u better start to learn it now

you have to go back Chang.

You should learn it because you want to and it's a cool language. The chinese worth talking to already know English.

>no it’s not a good idea
>I recommend you learn it now
It’s time to face reality

Quick rundown on Mandarin? Does it really take 6 years just to master the alphabet?

I enrolled in Chinese in uni and they asked me if I had any background in the language at all, I said no but if you look around me I am going to need it. They said there’s a 90% drop out for white fellas. I said okay bye.

I’m from Sydney. I thought it would be a good idea I’m glad I didn’t because I have barely learnt Danish after 5 years.

Fuck that ching chong gook shit. It's such an irrelevant cacophony. All you need is English

Nah, I heard my English speaking friend, Mandarin is incredibly easy to speak, so you can be communicated with Chinese in a basic level with relatively low effort, but you need to learn really much if you want to read or write

I want to have an edge over my fellow americans when the chinese take over

Take over what? the gdp rankings?
Enjoy memorizing autistic gook runes for 10 years and speaking like a stroke sufferer to speak to people who hate you while The millions of Spanish speakers replace the millions of English speakers in your country

How did China beat the virus

They’re taking over the businesses and they already have most of the politicians on their payroll. Eventually they’re going to own the whole country remotely.

Having a competent Communist party running the country

how many social credit points does posting on Zig Forums cost you?

Lockdown at the start, and then literally whole city get tested if one case appear(and china actually has the industry capacity to make that much prop to make the mass test possible),

1 trillion

It would be neat if you posted something unique from China with a timestamp.
The timestamp can be a piece of paper you write the date and time and Zig Forums on it.

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ummm what is that?

driving license

No, they will learn english anyway.

Can I be chinese?

>Me? I am marrying someone Chinese of course. Wouldn't want my bloodline to get extinguished.

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I wish I could learn chinese but I just don't have enough time for it.
I already study japanese and work full time besides hobbies.

I was curious but is it possible to be a neet in China somehow?

I mean not working.

How long does it take to learn Chinese if I already know Japanese?

Only if you come from rich family or trading like me( USa stock market cryto) cost of life are quite low here, I can easily earn enough money for my living strough trading which its start fund comes from my mom

less than 2 year I guess because u already familiar with kanji

Please answer

if u want to learn, then just learn it, don't try to ask other opinion. Most people here just watch other success in their life, watch them have a meaningful life, they don't want your success in face. They want to have more excuses to face their failed life. They will always be bystanders, op bro. Just do what you want. God help you.

Hmmm, interesting question, technically, yes, if you have a Chinese wife and paying tax in china for more than 5 years, or you are a profoundly good talent in ur area, or a ultra rich that heavily invest in china, which grants less than 1000 ppl each year,

China's citizenship is one of most difficult to get desu, good luck if you really mean to get one

Can I get a work visa in China as a dental technician if I have a portfolio? I know Japanese, English and Russian

Thank you for the answer

Work visa is easy to get for a foreigner, so if you want to work in china, just applied it, and you will get here

Yes. I already welcome my Chinese overlords. US is finished.

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how easy is the marriage route?

What's it like to live in China? Is the quality of life improving or getting worse

I need to find an employer first I guess, but do the know english

How is life in China?
Is it easy to get rich there?

More and more young Chinese people are learning English. There's no point

Please can you help me to register in wechat? It's asking me to scan this qr code but it needs to be done by Chinese

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Do you hate Chinese Americans?
t. Chinese American

My Russian bf's wechat also got frozen, my Chinese family tried to help him unfreeze his account again but it will relock again anyways after a while

Get a new phone card or register with someone else's phone number if you are having issues

I guess if u are not obese or super poor, marriage is possible for u

Depend where u live, those place like rural within the mountains and deep west dessert are rough and poor, but if get luck enough to live in a city above tier 4, or anywhere located at the east coastal line, life are quite comforting desu,probally best infrastructure in the world, any new tech or opportunity you can get from all over the world and much likely to make a founture there, just don't go to the central china or deep west you gonna be fine

Yes, banana ppl are annoying are very likely to be a spy or backstab us if we get to war with usa