Why don't Muslims celebrate the birth of their No. #2 Prophet

Why don't Muslims celebrate the birth of their No. #2 Prophet.

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Because christmas is actually a european pagan thing. Has no business being part of christianity.

Because their No. #1 Prophet is a pedophile

Nothing wrong with that.

>Christians took some local decoarative elements from traditional customs
>"it's all pagan"
Do proddies really?

never should have left your desert habibi

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what the fuck

I am surprised by him posting a video about it online.
What did he mean by that?

Aryan boipucci for Americans.

North American mainstream culture doesn't even treat Christmas as a religious holiday anymore, no harm in indulging in it like Thanksgiving or Halloween.

halal bussy

so he can met his son's friends

I wish he were born here. So he would be arrested and then tortured to death with a broomstick up his ass

das rite muslim boys

His son is pretty cute and I'm not even gay...

That video is obviously a joke since his "son" is actually ftm.

pedophilia is based

Keep seething macaco

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Still is cute either way. I'm high enough test to fuck that person no matter what gender they choose

if he didnt like the christmas tree then why did he let it in his house?

>cute girls deciding that they're FTM
My heart is filled with sadness. I have a personal experience like this, with a girl who found tumblr at a young age instead of browsing 9gag like all the others. It's been years and it still hurts whenever I think about "him". What a world.

Jesus is the word in human flesh.

On one hand I keep hearing about how France, Germany, UK etc. are well on their way to becoming Saudi-tier Muslim nations. On the other there are loads of signs of successful integration. WHICH ONE IS IT?!

why is it always Indonesians?

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thought he was drinking garloid milk there for a second

Iranian bros... what the fuck happened?

This is a common response that brown people have to Americans. If they are submissive at heart, it will come out and show. There is no room for weakness here against the white man. Either fight us or please our cocks

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What's the girl on the left holding? A dog?

The jew has hurt itself in it's confusion

You're not cute

iran isnt a desert retard

video is from usa no doubt I never heard of Muslims doing this here they are all congregated in their ghettoes

>who found tumblr at a young age instead of browsing 9gag

and this wouldn't happen if you told her about Zig Forums, shahar

No, I am hot.

American Arabs are so based compared to inbred sandniggers yurop has

Why would anyone do that? shes not going to be considered a man by any woman.

More like some rich mason that go have sex boats full of children in the amazon