USA labeled them the currency manipulator

Attached: swiss_flag_big.jpg (468x468, 9.05K)

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The mountain Jews have gotten away with it for too long

Write them a strong letter.

US is powerless, they named China a currency manipulator and recently they got record invenstments in the country

Fuck USA.
>The signing of the Plaza Accord had a profound effect on Japan, as it led to the Japanese asset price bubble of the late 1980s. This was the catalyst which ultimately led to the Lost Decade starting in the early 1990s, whose effects are still heavily felt in modern Japan.

>The devaluation made U.S. exports cheaper to purchase for its trading partners, which in turn allegedly meant that other countries would buy more American-made goods and services. The Plaza Accord failed to help reduce the U.S.-Japan trade deficit, but it did reduce the U.S. deficit with other countries by making U.S. exports more competitive.

problem? we own your money.

What is the pejorative term for Swiss

the swiss are nothing compared to the british. London is a city within a city. And that city part of london launders and hides money better than anyone.

mountain jews?



what sorta accusation is that even. who outthere with power to manipulate currency doesn't. and this comes from empire who memed their poopypaper to be standard in nations who suffer from capitalists setting the monetary policy the most.

Attached: deathtoamerica.jpg (750x704, 39.09K)

>FED pumps $3'000'000'000'000.00+ (three trillion dollarinos plus change) into the market this year alone
>accuses Switzerland of cheating
yeah, ok.

Attached: br-balance-sheet-2.png (1080x800, 62.25K)

The Swiss are actually what anti-semites think the Jews are. Fake country that really needs to be divided in three.

all state is illegitimate, comrade!

keep up the pace dude

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You will own nothing and you will be happy.
(that's what money devaluation really means)

I mean I admire the chuzpe, but this is getting ridiculous. The US FED literally increased their balance sheet by 75% in this fucking year.

that's the fate of losers that don't buy stocks

>t. Soros

how else can they pay for the stimulus? debt to gdp ratio is fucked, currency debasement is the only way
if you know you know

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you can bitch about it or join the winning team

>winning team
you are merely a spectator

yes but he betted on the match, it's way more fun

The FED report made several suggestions/demands to Switzerland, amongst other things that we increase our retirement age, make more national debt and drop our strict dept/gdp ratio.
It's like the US pulling a ridiculous fuckup and now demanding other countries do the same so they don't look that bad.


Use your money to buy a stake in a productive business or even government bonds instead of just hoarding it under your matress.

How do I resist the urge to consoome tho?

why would we give a shit about that unless youre someone like gayreece