I went to a normal Japanese school early in my formative years. be fair I did get kind of picked on for being different but I mean it's whatever I never really had any male friends for whatever reason but it's whatever.
Alexander Wright
t.future school shooter,chang kun
Jaxson Thompson
International school
Lincoln Bennett
to be honest...I had never any foreign kids in my during school life.
I had sex with a New Zealander girl when I was in high school. That was a good memory.
Carson Thompson
T. Current school teacher, David ramirez
Nolan Baker
Do you have schools like these in every city?
To be quite honest if I had a choice if my kid in Japan would go to a normal japanese school or international school that is filled by black/half black kids of american millitary then I would rather make them go to the normal japanese school lol. Wouldn't want my child to be around blacks at all. Black people are scary.
Jose Sanders
>Wouldn't want my child to be around blacks at all. Black people are scary. you are going to a school full of Asians. Why are white people so fucking retarded? stop watching anime that's not real Japan
Elijah Clark
Most military kids go to their own schools on base. t. went to international school in Japan for a bit
Joshua Wright
oh yeah it's uh bow bow bow bow bow bow baba bow bow badada bao bao badada bow bow badada bao bao badada bow bow chik chika chikka chik chika chikka pssh babada bow bow badada badada
Leo Clark
forgot to add that anyone who isn't Japanese will get bullied, yes even white kids.
Jacob Mitchell
I don't see Black people in Japan. Amerisharts go to a school in a US base. International schools are full of embassy staff's kids.
Levi Smith
>Amerisharts Japan why are you so mean to me? what can i do to get you to love me my love?
James Rivera
what about pajeets?
Christian Anderson
you know the kids who grow up to get interracial dates are usually the ones from racist ass parents. good luck raising your black grandchild niko