Redpill me on Uruguay

Redpill me on Uruguay

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Whitest country in the american continent. But still 3rd world and with a higher homicide rate than Peru, BolĂ­via, Ecuador, etc

Third highest HDI in Latin America, after Chile and Argentina

Little Brazil

I would say it has more in common with Argentina.
only southern brazil is similar to uruguay in some ways

irrelevant shithole

hope argentina or brazil take over some of these little countries

there should only be 4 main countries; brazil, argentina, colombia and peru

Summarized history of Uruguay.
>big chunk of latin america rebels against spanish rule
>portugal invade
>brazilian independence
>uruguay wants their lands to join argentina (at the time they had other name)
>brazil say no and declare war on argentina
>superior marine blocks Buenos Aires and defeat Argentinian navy
>south of the country has few soldiers
>stalemate because troops are being recruited in the capital of Brazil, so we can't advance, but argentinians forces also can't do shit because their economy is ruined due the maritime blockade
>Argentinians ask to Brits to interview
>they say no, but they also fear that Brazil take over even more land
>they decide to conduct peace talks bettwen the 2 nations
>Argentina demands that all of uruguay (uruguay used to be way bigger when we conquer) be returned to Argentina
>Bazil refuse and make a counter propose.
>Half the Uruguay is keep in Brazil (bandas orientais) and the rest became a independent country to serve as a proxy between Brazil and Argentina
>First Argentina refuse but when come the news that Brazil assemble another army and was ready to march south and take everything north of the river plate, they accept.
>Now Uruguay exists
>but there are some opposition about how Uruguay should the ruled
>Brazil intervene again in prowl of his puppet and Uruguay surrender
>Paraguay thinking that we where week because we did not take part of uruguay as compensation for the war decide to invade Brazil
>Paraguay war happen, and after some retard move they piss off Argentina, so Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil create an alliance to fight Paraguay (at the time Paraguay was rich, with many more soldiers than Brazil and better armed)

The rest is just politics

uruguay is the tax haven of brazil and argentina, we like having it

What do you want to know?

cant debate this

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If anyone is confused about the part of Uruguay we took, here is an map.


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VGH tier map

No, no, no. You're better off divided in statelets it's a fact. Only Brazil should be large here it's better for all of us believe me.

We have settlers in a large part of Paraguay and Uruguay (cheap farm land). In case of a partition, we would not left them behind...



I like uruguayans, the ones I've met were always bro tier

Most chill people on this continent for sure. Also they're all somehow pretty.

Fun fact.
During the 2019 crises, if Venezuela attacked Brazil, we would have taken everything south the Orinoco river for ourselves.
Too bad that Maduro was a pussy.

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I've read Montevideo is the city with the highest quality of life in latinamerica,
How does it compare with other places in latnimerica? Could you live there with about 700 euros per month?

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Maybe, Mvdeo is the most expensive city in LatAm
I personally think there's better LatAm cities out there. Like Buenos Aires and Santiago
>Could you live there with about 700 euros per month?
Yes, that is 100 dollars over the average monthly income. But you would need to be careful with how you spend your money. Rent was expensive in Mvdeo when I lived there, and it should be more expensive now with the inflation going on

I'll do you one better.

Attached: better.png (4752x6510, 1.01M)

a less shittier version of argentina

>Could you live there with about 700 euros per month?
Yeah, definitely. Would not be rich, but the average income is like 500 euros)
>I've read Montevideo is the city with the highest quality of life in latinamerica
No, but it's the best capital in Latin america!
Also, not sure if Uruguay is that nice nowadays. Since they legalize weed, crime, unemployment and violence grew a lot there.

Uruguay is only a lesser shit version because they have laws that made them a fiscal paradise.

>destroy Canada

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if i went to rural guatemala as a 6'3" university educated blonde haired blue eyed white man, is it feasible that i could start a cult?

North Mexico is not Latin america.


yet another based thing we did, thanks for the summary fren

purely economic factors of course.

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why would they have attacked brazil? do you guys have a dispute over territory?

chile is it's own thing imo, i don't know how you could say they are just greater argentina