Wow... is this the power of «Otaku Culture»?
why does westerners want to stoke separatism so much in the first place
I wish I had savage and wholesome wife like Coco
because the west values individualism
Fuck off, commie.
the samurai bows to the Tianzi
>sep 28
Why now?
Its not separatism if they were never together
Who owns Hololive?
you may think so but both governments claim each other, china is unitary
So the chinks hold sway at youtube now?
So Hololive is in bed with the chinks?
Unless those individuals want to trade in another currency, not give away their resources, not endebt themselves or not pretend there are forty genders.
yes, they always were
Taiwan has always been independent from the PRC?
Just because they both claim there is only one china it doesn't mean you have play their game. There are 2 completely independent states and thats fact.
No, you're just fighting for a lost cause, reddit.
Why do chinks insist on having an independent island as their own?
Could it be, Taiwan being a successful country and china being a shithole makes them seethe so they feel the need to destroy the successful just like all commies have done before them?
I'll take that as a 'yes', reddit tranny.
cope trumptard
based af
fuck taiwan fuck reddit fuck animetrannies
But Taiwan is china though...
You're a retarded reddit subhuman, the average wage in Beijing is pretty much the same as in Taipei. Not to mention that Chinese cities look modern while Taiwanese ones look like shit that didn't develop from the 50's forward.
Cope shithole-loving faggot
You're mistaken, sodomitic piece of shit. Your kind is allowed to "marry" in Taiwan. In China your kind is rightfully repressed.
seethe more libcuck, your time is over
The cringest shit in existence
China is doing God work here
Everyone hates Chinks.
>Chinese cities look modern while Taiwanese ones look like shit that didn't develop from the 50's forward.
Cmon now, not saying China isnt developed but..
based amerilard bootlicker
>Taiwan: 54,020
>China: 17,206
Oh nonono chinabros
>Not to mention that Chinese cities look modern
Not Hololive, hahaha, get rekt trannime lover.
>You must love America if you hate China
What did Zhang mean by this?
shitaly please
Chinese people oppressing Vtubers..? Maybe Zig Forums is right... China is based after all..
>retarded reddit subhuman
>mistaken, sodomitic piece of shit
POWERFUL chink argumentation from reddit trannies
I'm serious, go on Google Maps, Taiwan looks rundown. Not saying Chinese cities can't look like that either but there is a lot of rejuvenating going on.
No, i love China
>Why do chinks insist on having an independent island as their own?
it is the same thing as with russians
in both countries it is of supreme emotional importance to the individual that the nation is as large as possible
you have to go back, traitor.
go suck off some 'merigans at Sigonella boy
Only communist bugmen from reddit and chinks love China. The rest of the world hates them.
old news
Holy based
taiwan fucked up when they didn't ride the China growth wave cause they were too stuck up, now they are the worst of all the 4 asian tigers.
well someone has to be the cum bucket sex tourist destination anyways.
Stupid american bootlicker, they won't give you a greencard Mario
>Prepping covid-20
>you MUST love chinks or you're a gay american
Cope insect
>bugmen from reddit
>love China.
out of these 3 you can only pick one
>calls anyone a tranny while simping the first Asian country to legalize poo-pusher "marriage"
Epic projection.
They are one in the same, Chapotranny
Reddit hate China retard
Another insect
Go back subhuman
Based fuck those microstate leechers
>shitalian subhuman calling anyone else an insect
Fuck gay rights
Fuck mainland chinese subhumans
Simple as
>Call China shit
>Suddenly 20 dozen defensive posts by wumao calling anons "American bootlickers" out of nowhere
Every time
massive cope, don't you have some billionaire assholes to lick clean?
fake, she literally put out a video an hour ago
>insectoid chink laughing at being called a subhuman by italian chad
Cope insect
CCP literally own massive shares in reddit
But Zhang, most of those corrupt billionaires you leftists despise are now chinks
>You're a retarded reddit subhuman, the average wage in Beijing is pretty much the same as in Taipei.
Kek, and outside of tier 1 and 2 cities? Especially in the countryside? Most Chinese live outside of urban developments. In Taiwan, people in the countryside are not below the poverty line.
>Not to mention that Chinese cities look modern while Taiwanese ones look like shit that didn't develop from the 50's forward.
I'm sure you will be happy to post pictures of Shanghai and Shenzhen and pretend all of China looks like that. But you know you would be dishonest.
But that does not matter. Those glass towers are so ugly. Mid-century urban architecture is beautiful. Pictures of Shanghai's skyline are very gaudy, not good looking at all. This picture of Qongqing is better than any picture of Beijing or Guangzhou you can find.
>italian chad
lmaoing @ ur life you brown subhuman terrone manlet
am not a Zhang and I don't like China, but if you oppose them while also screeching about "da eebil commulistz" there's a 100% chance you're a 38IQ retard