Tell me something, Zig Forums. People say that blue states are mostly shitholes...

Tell me something, Zig Forums. People say that blue states are mostly shitholes, and blame people there for moving to red states and voting blue. And that red states are better overall because cheaper, etc. But how come the blue states are more relevant and higher GDP, QOL, and so on? Yes it's more expensive and has homeless, but overall those states are doing better.

Somewhere like Alabama or Wyoming is cheaper, but there's also very little to do there, few jobs, etc. Plus, the reason red states like Texas or NC are growing so much is because blue state people are moving there. I get there are some reasons to like it such as less regulation, but overall the blue states are doing much better. So why are they always shit on?

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Ask yourself why businesses, not just people, are fleeing blue states.

It's a lot more complicated than "durr red/blue state bad, blue/red state good." Look at states like California, Illinois, and New York. They have old, rich economies in their main cities that attract the biggest companies and highest earners, but also droves of poor people who cluster around those urban zones.

California was a red state during its economic rise period, and went blue after the poor of the US, and of Mexico, flooded in and were captured by the D vote. It can be surmised that massive growth and prosperity eventually turns a place leftist as everyone piles in.

Most of the red states are too low growth and molasses to even sustain a leftist government. Can you imagine someone trying to tax and regulate the hell out of Kansas? They'd lose the rest of the 10 people who live there. It's simply not possible. But in NY and Cali, you collect an enormous amount of tax revenue and can afford that robust leftist government.

Right now, FL and TX are economic "it states" that are red and economically free, and attracting people as a result, but will probably inevitably go blue as the dynamic I mentioned prior runs its course

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Red states are high risk high reward, blue states are low risk low reward. You make 1m in Houston you are doing very very well, in San Francisco you are just getting out of upper-middle class.

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Businesses try to enrich their shareholders, moving to a state that will tax them less is a way to do that. In 50 years companies might leave Texas after taxes have decades to rise.

It's ok America, you're just growing up. People in the read states slowly comprehend that it is not the 1950's any more and that the world has moved on.


Corporate tax rates hardly affect the big corporations that can afford the accountant army to lower their burden to nothing through loopholes and breaks. Those rates hurt the small businesses and stymie organic growth.

Big companies weaponize the tax code to wall out competition.

>So why are they always shit on?
i'm pretty sure it's specifically california that has a bad reputation not blue states generally

When in truth Illinois is the real cancer, it's basically Mafia: the State

Well the question is who's doing better. There are 50 states for a reason there are 50 places for you to go and find the whole that fits you. Well maybe good for you is not good for me and vice versa.

Yeah, our options are a blessing. May we stay decentralized and competitive with each other for everyone's benefit.

Corporate taxes are not the only taxes that cost corporations money.

this, entirely this

Well put

And coincidentally Obama's political career came from there.

I really hate dysgenic cycles like this.

>It can be surmised that massive growth and prosperity eventually turns a place leftist as everyone piles in.
But why? What causes it to eventually just turn blue? If red is what made a state grow, why wouldn't people know to keep it red? That's what I don't get.

few banana make stronk monke
stronk monke collect many banana
many banana make weak monke
weak monke collect few banana

nice selfie

I get that analogy but don't get how it applies to states. I get the success and growth of a red state will attract more and more people, but why does that make people suddenly vote blue?

"real florida" the monolith that's still here and hasn't had any growth voted 90% for trump. Compared to places like duval, seminole, hillsborough and pinellas counties who voted blue now because of the growth of people who left up north and bring their voting habits with them. Strange really.

But said California was red during it's growth. And now these other states that are growing, such as Texas and North Carolina are red but slowly starting to turn blue. I'm saying what makes these people moving in vote blue again? If they're leaving a blue state for cheaper/better red states, why vote blue? They're essentially voting for the same problems they left.

wealth and comfort turn people toward social justice non-issues as a means of injecting interest and virtue into their lives, basically what you see in spoiled rich kids talking about pronouns and black trans lives, but extrapolated to a whole state

>If they're leaving a blue state for cheaper/better red states, why vote blue? They're essentially voting for the same problems they left.
They don't understand that. they don't bother assimilating into the state nor understanding why the state they're moving to is better for them. In reality they just complain about services and entitlements they had in their other state that made them pay more in taxes and leaving the first place.

Explain me, why everyone shit on California so much right now beside lefties and shit being expensive?

because they realise it's not fun living round homeless people and mexicans and then move to other states to vote for the same policies
which i guess they're still within their right to since it's one country but i get why it pisses people off

I can guarantee you if they didn't leave their state you wouldn't even hear half of what people say about them now. They burned down their state and then move out and claim how superior their state was and proceed to burn down the state they move to.

streets littered with shit and heroin needles

> My state is better because there’s some people who live here that have a lot of money. I don’t see them. I don’t know them. They got rich, in part, off of taxing me and working me like a dog and I’ll never be as rich as they are but that’s why my state is better.
I’m not sure I agree with your premise, OP


So if lots of people are leaving California and voting blue in other states, does that mean the people who vote red are mostly staying? Is California slowly turning more red over the years?

loads of lefties spend all their miserable waking lives on dumb blogs or having pointless bitter internet arguments
the 1% of jetsetting celebs don't represent them

I'm just going by stats my dude. Look at all the best states and you'll see Massachusetts, New Jersey, Colorado, Maine.

no shit, you think so?

Threads like this exclusively attract mentally ill right wingers that think they live in a world that does not exist.


Aren't rich elites democrat too? Look at all the Hollywood people, most of them vote democrat. Leonardo DiCaprio for example. What's up with that? Wouldn't they want to keep their money and so on?

>moving to red states and voting blue
that's called being based and intelligent. What are the redcucks gonna do? There's less of them

Stats are irrelevant. HDI? What’s it a measure of really? It’s not objective and it weights things like education very heavily for basically no reason. None of these statistics really explain why one is better than another. You say “look at all the best states” but what does that even mean? What makes a state the best and why? Nobody actually has a complete answer. It’s just how one measures against something some people say is good.


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>rich elites
> Leonardo DiCaprio
That guy’s more like a highly paid foot soldier than an “elite”. They’re animated. They don’t animate. Nobody does actually. People are animated by the forces that underly the the thing.

ah yes truly i have been epically rused meme style

No because the people voting red in California are their version of conservatives and they don’t stay at a high enough rate to match international immigration. Almost all of California’s population gain is immigrants.

go home

>What makes a state the best and why?
Going by this picture: healthcare, education, economy, opportunity, quality of life, infrastructure, public safety, fiscal stability. Since you disagree, what would you say makes a red state better?

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Depends on who we're talking about. Rich Jews tend to be Democrats, and they're the ones who tell Hollywood when to sit, stay, and jump.

No offense but I have no idea what you're talking about. And sorry by "elite" I just mean the insanely rich people like famous Hollywood actors.

>nooo you can't just move to my rural shithole and vote for the guys I don't like!! Only we should be allowed to exploit the electoral college!!

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Given the election results they ought to repaint the OP map. Florida isn't bluer than Arizona and Georgia anymore

If you think Hollywood actors are the insanely rich people you have a lot to learn. There are people who make Leonardo look like a beggar.

>south carolina is shit
>washington is the shit
Bullshit uninfographic

While most of the country continues to trend organically red, you are running out of niggertowns to squeeze every last vote out of. If hispanics really do go R in the coming decades there will be a transformational shift.

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Dude you're looking way too much into what I'm saying. I get that there are even richer people. I'm literally just asking why are Hollywood rich people mostly all democrats. How come they don't want to keep their money and have low taxes and all that?

I’m not saying red states are better. I’m just saying that these metrics that people point to for saying “blue states are better” don’t actually mean anything. This pic is a perfect example. How do you even index healthcare? What is the objective standard? Why? Obviously, healthcare is a little more objective than other things but a lot of this is just concealed nonsense. They weight education heavily in HDI? For what purpose? What is the standard of a “good” education? What makes it “good”? You see what I’m saying? It’s all vague unobjective opinion for the most part.

Explain to me why then.

I told you. Because he’s a foot soldier. He does what people have him do. They are soldiers for people who push ideas and for the ideas themselves.