Why do so many Americans complain about Latin/Mexican immigrants? They’re always Christian or Catholic, have family centric cultures, and for the most part look more or less white, pic related. The UK and Europe would be happy if we got these kind of immigrants so why do Americans act like they’re the worst?
Why do so many Americans complain about Latin/Mexican immigrants? They’re always Christian or Catholic...
Most hispanics are smelly shitskin beaners.
if that is Avan Jogia on the left, he's Indian
>Why do so many Americans complain
Americans are mad that immigrants are more desired for jobs than themselves which is why immigrants are "stealing our jobs"
90% of Mexicans are dark brown, 4 feet tall, and their faces look like cartoon hobgoblins. They also smell like beans and stale fry oil.
they're all poor, which means theyre uneducated, loud, smell bad, are ugly as fuck
This just isn’t true. Yeah, it’s true that Mexicans, particularly, are generally okay and also nominally Catholic. Thing is all those decent Mexicans bring in a handful of ones that are so beyond awful they ruin the whole fucking thing. None of them are actually Catholic either. No South Americans are. That’s Mexicans only. Other Hispanics such as Dominicans, Colombians, even Puerto Ricans are an absolute nightmare. Dominicans, for example, might even be worse than African-Americans statistically. Look at any city that’s seen a significant increase in the share of hispanic population that isn’t Mexican. You’ll see a corresponding increase in violent crime. Usually, it sky rockets. So do drug offenses. Even all that aside, they’re moving en masse and repopulating like fucking rabbits to the point where there’s entire towns and cities near New York which in less than 10 years have gone from over 90% European to less than 40%. Obviously, the crime also goes up 500% but even if it doesn’t, it’s a totally new place. The language is Spanish. The stores are Hispanic. The schools are Hispanic. Who wants to see that happen to the neighborhood they grew up in. It’s not even racist. It’s just natural preference for your own culture. Look at Eastern Pennsylvania. All those formerly decent rust belt cities mostly European, now flooded with opiates and a homicide rate to make Brazil look over its shoulder. Nobody speaks English and nobody works. Everyone young who can leave, does. Why would you want that for your home?
But Mexico has a higher homicide rate than Brazil now
Because they're stupid, like all xenophobes in every cunt.
Can americans stop talking about us please.
t. short brown beanerboy whose dad hopped the fence in 1980
Ok cool but why did you post a pic of Avan Jogia? He's Indian lol
Right. I’m just using you as a rhetorical tool, Brazil. I meant no offense.
wooow you sure showed him
so they're like typical americans?
That dude is Italian. Pajeets, not even once. kek
because complaining it's all they can do, they can't stop the immigration
Mexicans and other Latin Americans are text book example of corporations and business owners hoarding up people to work for shit wages for short term benefit. This destroy the housing market and pulls back the region while the wages could go better up with inflation if only natives were hired. I don't care if Billy demands 3 times the wage to pick tomatos, it will only benefit the people.
But it is true, the corpo in picture is to blame for hoarding immigrants to work for shit wages.
>Amerimutt IQ
Pinker than you Ahmed.
If conservatives want to stop what you're describing, they'd punish the businesses employing illegals. Instead, they deport/detain the workers, letting companies pay them even less for fear of violence. Companies fucking over the workers will happen regardless of immigrant origin or presence as long as you let them.
because they dont get americanated and are subject to falling prey to non-americans
this. it doesn't help the fact that a lot of adopt black culture and try to act like gangbangers
>and for the most part look more or less white, pic related
VGH.... the native mexicans of syria and south africa... my brothers
South Africans are Sub-Saharan.
what about barrios?
>They’re always Christian or Catholic
You've been fighting the Spaniards for quite a while and yet you have to ask? And these are bastardized offspring of Spaniards.
Literally me