happy american family
Happy american family
is the dog the dinner? very nice korean fathers
the dog is the daughter lmao
Based ex dropping in for fun times
Cringe current husband
>pit bull
awww he's smiling :)
very nice british fathers
It is unironically nice that they all get along. People get divorced all the time, everywhere. At least in this scenario the child is not being neglected.
You need to stop consuming so many pol cuck memes, it's rotting your brain.
Dog is another dad, mom is the one at the left and current dad is the one in the right
The person taking the photo is the third dad
Do they really?
The memes write themselves
Wanna bet the shit bull and the ex tag-team her?
shart up fat
wow a sensible post on Zig Forums. whoda thunk it
Your family is gay
I dont see anything wrong with this. That's actually wholesome.
One year, my mom suggested we have Thanksgiving at my grandmother’s house and allowed me to invite two close friends who’s parents had couldn’t have Thanksgiving. So we went to my grandmother’s and my friends came with. Suddenly, I noticed dad wasn’t showing up. Turned out my mom decided to go to Grandma’s and spring it on us in front of my friends over Thanksgiving dinner that they’re getting a divorce and her new boyfriend was coming for dinner where we’d meet him for the first time. No reason for the divorce either. She just didn’t like my Dad anymore I think.
Your mom is a terrible, selfish parent. I hope you let your dad know you love him.
the dog is the current the husband
left is new husband, right is her chad ex who's cucking her new husband
also it's sad that she needs to put this on social media to expose the cuck even more
>white woman
More like the dog is the father lmao.
what the fuck is wrong with america. Hedonism without limits is all I can use to describe it.
don't they
one is a chicken chested sticc, the other tatted up jock. One donated money, the other the thrills? lel And mrs Hoe gets to sit there while these two have to fit into this scenario. A real shit show.
way worse than hedonism
with hedonism at least there'd be some rational choices, this is responsibility for thee but free ride for me type scenario.
My mom separated us after that. I didn’t see him again until I was an adult but we have a relationship now.
let me guess the fat balding whitoid is new dad
from the sound of it I wouldn't even piss on your mom if she was on fire
I'm so fucking happy my parents are still together I have plenty of friends with divorced parents not to mention my ex her parents were divorced and it's like one fuckhuge emotional circus.
Based and redpilled
the third world masses need to rise up already and exterminate wh*te americans.