What is Zig Forums's favorite empire?
What is Zig Forums's favorite empire?
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apart from the German Empire ofc, the Habsburg Monarchy
their engineering was incredible
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
I think aesthetic wise they even surpassed the Roman Empire
based but inaccurate map
Kingdom of Sicily and the State of the Teutonic Order were never imperial territory afaik
pic related are the real borders of the territorial peak
>we remained under the same empire with brown Gulf Arabs from the Hejaz for 500 years
Racial horror
celtic or roman empire both were celtic but one had hellenic culture and hellenics were celtics too.
we were part of it even longer
and 50 glorious years as part of Austria-Hungary
Ottomans conquered the Balkans earlier than Palestine/Israel
Bosnia was conquered in about 1450, Palestine/Israel was conquered together with the whole Mamluk state in 1520 or so
and your ancestors were living in Europe at the time anyway most likely
for me its the ummayad empire
nobody wants to admit it but it was the most successful islamic empire becasue it was a pure arabian tribal empire
it was led and managed only by pure arabs and arab mutts were hated and stripped off of their right to rule
it expanded so far and wide and seemed undefeatable untill they started recruiting foreign "muslims" and ever since islam's political power went straight downhill since
>celtic empire
Tell me more about it
I can’t decide.
>the crests of Inner Austria getting left out
why do u hate my pople
not an empire
I consider ethnic expansion better than occupational forces.
still not an empire
>everyone posts shitty empires
Why is there same people in Sweden and Estonia?
certainly not that one
and it wasn't an empire, it was a caliphate
to be an empire you have to be rome
turks are rightful heirs of rome
it wasnt genocide, it was insecticide
pretty sure they were early on around 1100-1300
Kingdom of Sicily was just under personal union of Frederick II, not part of the empire
neither was the State of the Teutonic Order, it was just founded by crusaders from the empire, but not part of it