Wake up

>wake up
>North America looks like this
wat do?

Attached: mex.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Invest in telephones and airplanes

Move east

So even shittier?

Rejoice for the liberation of california from trannies and jews

>and i made mexico BIGGER!

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Bring back the Viceroyalty of New Spain

>Wake up in Los Angeles
>Nothing changed
>Go back to sleep

annex alaska

recover central america and impregnate white chicks

invade cuba and get impregnated by white guys

>geometrically straight borders
disgusting. only mutts and afronogs are this lazy.

who owns newfoundland?

Immediately coom my pants, then start praying for the annexation or preferably destruction of what's left of the USA

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Enlist in the national guard to expell the remaining *nglos from our land

>stopping at Canada

Such a pecho frio. It's all the way to the 54 paralel.

Accept defeat and congratulate President PiƱata on his victory.
Blame Canada.
t. Donald

based, newfies are too good for us

It's rightful Gaelic clay

invade new england

God, I hate being part of M*xico and you made it even bigger.

>people still playing vicky 2
big brain game right here
going from victoria to hoi4 just makes you realize we live in a society, how much has the same game become numbed down, simplified, everything requiring complex math or figuring stuff out just poof, all disappeared in less than 20 years

Call my boy simon bolivar down in Gran Colombia and liberate cuba from spaniard claws together

Also this

Make Germany bigger!

Laugh my ass off because Mexico is a failed state and such an empire would collapse within weeks.
Also I'd be hiding in my bunker in the Northwest ready to shoot a cartel pendejo's nuts off if they come within range.

taco cope

The most probable thing is that Mexico will balkanize and gringos will take over the north territories, thus fulfilling Polk's dream

Based and bean-billed, amigo.

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>Mexico will balkanize
I pray for this every day.

>giving 1st world lands to 3rd world country