I was joking with my mom saying we should use soap as toothpaste because we ran out of it and I didn't want to get more from storage. She told me when she was a kid, when she was too poor to afford toothpaste, she used to use saltwater as toothpaste.
What are some sad/poverty stories you heard your parents/grandparents tell?
my dad is 71 and grew up in a dirt poor mining village
>getting bathed in a metal tub >stealing apples and food from farms >8 siblings in a tiny house >toilet was outside >pissing in a chamber pot >one house on the street had a phone >they had a radio but no tv
this is why when people think old people had it good they are wrong
Kayden Ortiz
My grandfather told me about a time he had to beg a food cart vendor for a hot dog when he was a kid. Apparently, his family had a lot of money in the past too but his dad was a real dead beat and more or less pissed it all way. My grandfather ended up making a good chunk of wealth before he died, which was subsequently pissed away by my grandmother...
I obviously don’t know how true any of this but it’s what I was told.
Robert Williams
How the fuck does a Canadian grow up poor?
Matthew White
Idk. My family were all rural on both sides so no one was poor really. My great grandfather died when he fell into a lime kiln and burned alive in it I guess. Left like 12 orphan children, my grandfather was very young at the time.
Ryan Phillips
Sounds comfier and healthier than being addicted to shite processed food and laying on a couch all day watching SJW propaganda on Netflix while popping drugs for depression.
Anthony Flores
well, some of my personal stories, > My mom went against her whole family(father side) to move us out of village to city so that my sibling and I could have better education and opportunities > My father initially opposed her, he didn't visit us for 1 year, we used to cry everyday, every night before going to sleep I used to pray to my gods to bring back my dad > My mom earned just enough to afford our stay in the city, basic school, during winter we didn't have money to afford winter clothes or full trousers even my teacher objected but we had no choice > I worked hard and got a scholarship with which we bought sweater for me and my sibling > We have actually slept hungry because we didn't have food > During that 1 year period there were times when we had to eat salt with oil and chapati since we didn't have any choice > My mom sold her jewellery during to afford our stay in the college Now things are better and I have got college placement, my younger sibling is in college, with my first income I am going to buy my mom jewellery and saree. Sorry it's not like your typical greentext.
a lot of rural areas are still poor and underdeveloped
Joseph Hall
that's actually really endearing in a way
Austin Foster
My dad and uncle would pour sugar on the leftover bacon/meat grease in the pan and dip bread in it, and that would be their entire meal
Juan Adams
my great grandma was from the Midwest. and during the great depression, and when she moved over to Oregon where we are now, they saw a orchard and her mind was blown that nobody ate the rotten apples on the ground because there was literally no food backhome.
Charles Gomez
Granpa bro?
Ayden Clark
What are you doing in college user?
Nolan Mitchell
Why did the mom wait so long to sell jewelry lol fucking women rite?
Angel Allen
My grandparents weren't really ever poor but they did go through war. Both my grandfathers died before I was born so I never heard any stories from them. Grandmas didn't really talk about those times.
The only "poverty" things were just things from the time they lived in. Our comforts weren't invented yet so it wasn't about not having the money for them.
One thing my dad told me that when he was young and out studying he had troubles with money and so he wrote a letter to his dad, saying "Isä, olen persauki" which literally translates to "Dad, I'm assopen" (persauki/assopen is how we say broke, comes from being so poor that you can't afford new pants so your ass is showing). Later my dad received a letter from his dad with some money in it and a letter saying "Poika, perskiinni" (Son, ass-shut).
Lucas Bennett
It's fine, it's been like 13 to 14years or so, while writing that I realised how drastically life has changed...things like these motivate you to be better in life.
haha, thanks i guess, honestly, I wrote it thinking that no one is going to read it anyway, at least in a place like here.
I know it's a meme at this point but I loved coding and just making my own stuff, made my first silly flash game in high school inspired from chrome dino, so pursuing my dream in CSE and I am pretty happy.
Yeah, i should have been more coherent, those jewellery pieces were the ones she got during her wedding these means a lot to women, most of the times families keep those pieces of jewellery to pass them on to their daughter or daughter in law, plus those were not that much just enough to help me get the private tuition for studies, during winter case, i was lucky enough to get a scholarship at right time I think even during that time she leased few of her jewellery but my memory is sketchy here.
Owen Howard
My Korean dad would yell at me and said kids got beat to death if they disobeyed parents during the korean war and how he saw his friends die after the bridge over the han river exploded. My grandma said one of her siblings died when they tried to escape the red army. My mom grew up in a 1 bedroom commieblock with her sister and parents until she was 30 and married my dad to GTFO Ukraine.
Eli Jenkins
Finnish is such an interesting language
Benjamin Nguyen
here's the ss of the flash game which i made in my high school based on din, it's not that special but i had shitty pc and i wanted something to do. Only thing that left of that is just one clip.
That's cool. CSE is very marketable and even better if you actually enjoy it. Best of luck in your studies.
James Cox
Remake it again.
Evan Lopez
grandma died when my dad was 14 and my grandfather left him all alone with 3 sisters. he had to hunt armadillos and pigeons to feed everyone. i can't imagine eating that shit rubbery meat everyday.
Grayson Miller
My parents grew up in commie Poland. My dad's diet is totally fucked up. He grew up eating dog food, plain hard bread with saw dust with a sprinkle of sugar, straight up butter, pasta with only a sprinkle of sugar, fish that he caught, he drank milk from the family cow. He only likes his food cold now. I can't even take him out to restaurants because the only thing he eats is cold fish.
Isaiah Hill
Thank you user, take care.
Now i am mostly into web development and learning ML but yeah, I want to start game development as a hobby, whenever i lurk in Zig Forums or /g/ i get even more uneasy out of excitement/anxiety because I know I actually love it that's why I will pursue it as a hobby.
Jacob Flores
Your mom is amazing user :(
Jordan Parker
was this during the time of "great leap forward"?
Henry Murphy
Yes, she is, I owe her my life, everything. She has gone through a lot, I just want her to be happy and know that her hard work was worth it.
Jose Reed
My grandmother worked at thr age of 13 as a stone breaker then at a bakery bagging bread on bags untill she was 19. Then she went to the City to work at a factory and meet my grandfather Who is a ship captain, got Lucky.
Zachary Nelson
Unironically no such stories. My parents' families weren't rich or priveleged but they weren't poor either. One thing that even brutal Soviet-style socialism does is fight extreme poverty.
I mean, they sure had to stand in long lines at grocery stores during the Perestroika but that wasn't them being poor it was just the state of the ecnomy. There was no famine but many necessities were hard to come by.