An urkelperson spat near me I hope I don't get sick
An urkelperson spat near me I hope I don't get sick
Other urls found in this thread:
i need a bf
Some guys prefer trannies
i dont even look like a tranny
citation needed
A partner will not help fix your problems
You need to figure out how to save yourself instead of hoping that someone will swoop in and save you. It's far more likely that you'll only bring them down with you.
Reminds me of the time I tried so hard and got so far
The mentally ill progressives are winning though, gov't agencies use bias training based on critical race theory and left leaning normies are reading Kendi and White Fragility and talking a lot about their sins as wh*tes
What happened in the end?
It's a fad just like 3rd wave feminism
i look like a normal man
You do look feminine if it makes you feel better
Didn't really matter
god damn it i accidentally left two metals touching each other in my kitchen and they did a weird battery thing
little caesar's might not be the best pizza but it's definitely not as awful as everyone memes it to be
Maricon de mierda
I think it's worse considering how firmly entrenched their views are in the education system
Little Caesar’s Grimestep
Its bad, I like the bread stick things though.
I mean it's cheap pizza
You get what you're paying for
Hot and ready and crazy bread is fine for something quick and cheap. If I wanted to pay and wait for something more elaborate I'd go elsewhere
not a big fan of their regular pizza but i got one of their "Deep!Deep!® Dish" pizzas recently and i thought it was pretty good. that's supposed to be like detroit style pizza right
worst gimmick in this general
He's a big guy
It's fine for the price. I usually go for their $6 thin crust. But the problem is you have to finish it all in one go. If you put any leftovers in the fridge, the pizza turns into cardboard.
I'll be your bf pls
1) are you white?
2) are you good looking?
3) are you into music?
4) are you into watching films?
>100% WHITE
>I am a 6-7/10
>I enjoy music. I like to sing by myself
>Of course
what in the goddamn
post discors UwU
based retard
This is a good one
I hate Ben Shapiro