Study for free in Russia...

Anything from 1 week up to 7 years.

You can go for:

- summer/winter courses (Russian language or some other subjects)
- 1 year of learning Russian
- bachelor
- master
- PhD


The scholarship includes:

- your tuition
- your accommodation (dorm place)
- a monthly stipend.

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Tы зaeбaл

Good way to get robbed of a kidney

>robbed in a program that has been running since the 60'ies, with 15k students using it each year.

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Holy shit it's you again, werent you posting under belgian flag before?

Ja, dat ben ik. Het is die tijd van het jaar.

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Might as well since I’ve given up on life

Unironically do it. You can go for the most retarded, memey degrees.

Having a go at becoming a doctor? Trying to become a sailor? Eating yourself to death in a gastronomy degree? Designing some naval ordinance? Learning forestry in the endless forests of Siberia?

The sky is the limit.

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Look at this young man studying in Russia? Do you see any regret on his face?

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It's not Albania

nah the limit is that you'll never get a job with any of these degrees

t. brainlet

Getting a job with a merchant marine license from Russia is no different than doing it with one from the Netherlands.

+ you can always remain in Russia after your degree.

His Excellency Vladimir V. Putin has approved a simplified path towards citizenship for graduates from Russian universities.

nu oprotten

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isn't zoo visitation for children?


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Do I need to translate the documents? Can I use Google translator and translate it myself?

Wow you mean after spending years getting beaten up by south asians in some cargo and earning 400 dollars per month i will be able to stay in russia and buy a studio in crumbleing down city and die from alcoholism and depression at the ripe age of 28?
Really high iq move here .

Why wouldnt you? It's just a degree.
Besides Russian immigrants get jobs here with them all the time. For jobs it's the experience that matters on the CV more than anything. Degrees are for learning.

>getting beaten up by south asians

You know nothing about Russia, do you?

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no, thanks

What are the requirements?

ah for you I can offer the same thing but in China.

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HS degree (or bachelors if going for master).
I think they might even take GEDs, not sure though.

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I will be sent to the Chinese gulag

It is impossible to suffer as a Russian male when cuties like that will kidnap you to impregnate them.
But I am scared of women so I won't go.

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Cause no one will hire you if you get sope degree from a bottom tier russian university. Since all the foreign students tricked into this scam end up in the friendship university its basically a dead end.
Even nanterre université is a better alternative and its free.

>Cause no one will hire you if you get sope degree
That's a meme. I've personally hired people with Russian degrees here.

Doe het gewoon. Voor welk niveu wil je gaan?

Nah, they won't do that.

>Since all the foreign students tricked into this scam end up in the friendship university
You are either trolling or you have no idea what the fuck you're speaking about.

Kinda this
Kek, thanks for the laughs and the info, actually considering it since I feel lost in my life and I really need a change of scenary.

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>English: The system for collecting applications for study in Russian Federation
>Russian: Rossotrudnichestvo

Nah, they're not the same thing.

Rossotrudnichestvo is the organization that is handling all this program, officially the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation.

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Do u work for the Russian government?

I wish.

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leave us alone

so why do u make these threads every day?

I've been thinking about it tho, it's a great opportunity

I haven't made one in weeks.

I make them because I want to inform the anons. There are alternatives to sitting in your basement all day long, they just require a bit of effort. You can actually do some pretty cool shit.

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Yeah and i have known people that were refused jobs because they had some meme russian degrees. Thats why russian immigrants to the netherlands redo their degrees here.
>y-you dont know what yourr talking about
Lmao when a student that actually participated to your scam told you it sucked you told him the same.

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Never heard of anyone ever re-doing degrees here. But your opinion is up to you.

>knew what he was talking about
>described the problem
>it's all meme problems



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>Lmao when a student that actually participated
That guy is 100% a larper liberashka btw.
Most foreign students I've met here love it.
Bruh there's thousands of them every year.

He wasn't liberashka imo, but he simply had meme complaints.

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