>A mentally ill blogger from Russia Alextime
>With a lot of money lives with his old parents (He won them on the stock market)
>Parents are trying to put him in a asylum.
>Escaping from psychiatrists to Mexico
>Bully the Mexicans calling them apes
>The Mexican mob is trying to lynch him in his house
> Kills one in the self-defense
> Gets 37 years of Mexican prison
A mentally ill blogger from Russia Alextime
Other urls found in this thread:
lol nice
Will he survive Mexican prison?
i thought for sure he would end up dead in prison by now
hes been in prison for a couple years now
He was deported
He suffered from a mental illness caused by a scuba diving incident no? He owned the scuba diving company iirc.
Bruh he literally btfod a fucking village trying to kill him. How based is this guy?
It would be funny if he were just pretending to be retarded, he's genuinely a mentally ill babbling retard
>actually finds himself in a country with soul and regrets what he does
>community forgives him
>now plays jesus for pastorelas
So in your brain, a guy smart enough to make cash on the stock market can't pretend retardation?
If so, you're the actual retard.
>a country with soul
Mentally ill gopnik vs Miguel Sanchez and his whole 4'2 dynasty.
>He won them on the stock market)
People from the Yucatan peninsula is pretty chill, he was lucky he only pissed the gardeners and dishwashers of cancun
>Bruh he literally btfod a fucking village trying to kill him
>i made money I smart
he would have been murdered in yours
cope. a ton of soyboy mexicans couldnt even kill the russian bull
the russian WARRIOR
lynchings dont happen here at most he would have been arrested for all the assaults.
He did lol. He btfod the mob and killed like two people so they backed off.
They had mercy on him after turning him into a literal retard and he couldn't even fight the rest of the village. Seethe harder.
cope pedro
His and his mexican neighbors lmao.
How did he get a mexican visa when he's clearly crazy af? Are Mexicans really this desperate to get their women BLEACHED?
ok brown man
He killed a kid who was trying to open the door from the inside of his apartment, he ended in the roof somehow
I had a couple edited picture of this nigga as a pagan rus warrior and iberian conqueror lmao.
Unironically, yes. Even Samuel GarcĂa, as dense and braindead as he looks, is way way way smarter than your average lower-middle class mexicanon poster. Thousandfold smarter than you, dear chicaputx repatriadx.
I want to make a thread about a Russian who recently killed his girlfriend for cheating on him. Then he drove to his girlfriend's house and tortured/killed the girlfriend's 9-year-old brother. He took pictures of the whole incident and uploaded it. He broke/snapped all 4 limbs of the 9-year-old kid and smashed his face in.
But I don't want to get banned.
It was his parents money, you only need to not waste it in cars and booze to make more money
post a link
>he can't even phantom the amount of smarts and work needed to hold onto a higher living in this country
I'm not a fan of keywords but: COPE. You're not only a poorcunt but also stupid.
>A MANIAC allegedly murdered his girlfriend and her nine-year-old brother, then filmed the death scene, because she was sleeping with another man.
>Akshin Guseinov, 32, from Armavir, Russia, put the bloodied body of dead girlfriend Viktoria Makarova, 26, in the bath then drove to her family home where he tortured her brother, Dmitry, to death, it is alleged.
Obviously can't post pictures of the dead kid and his broken up body. Basically his legs and arms were all bent backward and his face is unrecognizable.
Cocaine runners are scared of getting their asses destroyed by the bwc
Byzantine Varangian guardsman after Battle of Dyrrhachium, 1081 AD (colorized)
Haha in this country you only need to be friends with the correct people, it helps if your parents were rich before you. It's harder for an intelligent poor person to become rich to a retard rich person to become poor
What a fag. He went to the most pacific and civilized region of the country.
He made the money long before he became schizophrenic.
>amerimutt having homosexual fantasies again
what else is new
you are an amerimutt too
>no u
Ah yes, the mob who came to lynch him had mercy. Do you hear yourself, dumb CHIcano creatura?
>Later, the police arrived at the scene, stopping the mob law over Makeev
You're retarded kys
Isn't it on the Atlantic?
He only messed with unarmed poor people from the part of Mexico with less violent crimes than Canada
>they had mercy!
>oh wait the cops stopped him!
the cope is real