What happened in USA?

What happened in USA?

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It became based, it seems


The lesson here is that whoever controls the academia controls the future. Conservatives were stupid enough to let leftism fester in academia; they deserve this.

>Cringey Teen pop degenerate culture
>Based article on Karl Marx, who was known to hate (((capitalism)))

>Mean girls: how to deal with them
I guess the answer is declare them enemies of the proletariate and counter-revolutionary

Critical race theory has taken over libtards

lived with wife's money
hated by the majority of people around
annoying af

to describe a teenager you just need to change "wife" to "mom/dad"

society became based and aware

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They want free stuff

So conservatives literally have to censor leftists in order for their own ideas to gain ground?


ah yes Karl Marx, famous liberal.
American brain at work.

daily reminder that communism doesnt work

No, it applies to all groups equally. You don't let your enemies control your country's education. It's why communist countries made sure to purge their academia of people who were against communism to any degree. The problem is that leftists know how to play the game while right-wingers stick to ideals that hurt them.

it’s a much better system than capitalism

i think that there is a growing awareness of class as well as the fact that the whole "rich get richer poor get poorer" deal has been happening at a steady rate with no sign of stopping. i hope the corona crisis deals a permanent blow to consumerism.


why be a capitalist when you have no capital and no path to capital? boomers really underestimate how explosive a generation with no prospects for the future can be

free stuff and degeneracy

hard to compete with that when we're talking about stupid teens

Ideals of non censorship?

Not sure how you are calling for people to be purged while claiming not to be against censorship at the same time. Also, considering that every single right-wing regime in history persecuted, banned, jailed and killed leftists in universities, I don't find the "not playing the game" excuse too credible, it rather sounds like a cope for their ideas not being too popular in academic settings.

>East Germany was the richest commie country but there is still poorer than West Germany.

Yeah, it's way better.

Schools of journalism in American universities have gone way hard left, like literally socialist left, they are all lackeys at this point. This media doesn't make money anymore either so nobody's too concerned about losing profit.

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>ah yes Karl Marx, famous liberal
Progressives have embraced Marx and removed the working class for "people of color"

The following scenario would be great to watch:
1. I move to an island nation where none of this would affect me
2. Let the leftists taker over and establish their communist nation
3. Watch the next 50 years as the country either collapses or slowly lurches back to capitalism
At this point I am convinced leftists need to experience communism to have the desire to establish a communist nation drained from them. I would root for it if I wouldn't be caught in the crossfire.

Or use all the money they have to spread fake news. That's how Bolsonaro got elected here
We even had fake news about huge weed farms inside our biggest university campus and about leftist politicians giving pic related to kids in school as part of a "gay kit"

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fucking kill yourself

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In the mid-2000s colleges realized they would make more money letting dumb shits do whatever they want. This was also during peak anti-iraq war sentiment, people were genuinely frustrated with the country and government and wanted to do something about it. As a result you had a bunch of people going to school to be journalists so they could "make a change" or whatever the fuck but they fucking sucked so they got hired at shitty places like Kotaku and Teen Vouge and instead just hijacked it to make it the job they wanted (whining about politics)

nem você acredita nisso

só posta esse negócio porque não entra na sua cabeça que a população se cansou desse povo que você apoia

>What happened in USA?

They start by wanting universal healthcare but Americans think that's communism so they fall down the commie rabbit hole from there.