Have any of you been told that you act more like another ethnicity than the one you are...

Have any of you been told that you act more like another ethnicity than the one you are? I'm a black american and I've been told by friends that I'm a Jew and/or an Asian on the inside.

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I don't identify with any race because i don't have a race


I've been told I look German but that probably because my great grandfather was

racial identity is a poisonous meme

Yeah I guess. I just thought it was funny to hear that.

"You act white".

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I’m technically a mutt but I look more white than black/computer and I’ve been told I behave like a white German/European.

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Back when I was a teen I was told by people on WoW that I'm acting and speaking like I'm scandinavian.

I've been told "I'm glad someone like you is black." What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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>I look more white than black
No you don't. You look exactly like a half white/half black person to me.

Are you prince?

I tend to act like a retard.
Retards are not defined by race.
Retard bros we all are gonna make it if we try hard!

based, we are Human


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Yes, people often call me the most German black guy they met because I dress well, have "nerdy" interests/hobbies and speak formal.

What do you think about other blacks who act like thugs and listen to rap etc

You know jews ran the slave trade right? it wasn't uncommon for them to have mixed offspring.. maybe you have a little jew blood in you?

we’re not mentally ill americans who think about race all the time

I've been called slavic looking and acting. By entirely different people too.

I'm Llanero castizo (75% European 25% Amerindian) and people think that my people are same like Caracas and Zulian Shitskins degenerates

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it reeks of closeted racism. for example one time at work(hospital) i was talking with co workers about a crazy guy i had to help with a few days before. i said something to the effect that he was "chimping out" and one of the nurses gasped and started berrating me for being racist. the crazy guy looked like a typical white euro mutt but she insisted that it was derogatory towards "people of color". she could not get it through her dense head that she was the racist for associating black people with chimps. i love the usa but i really cannot stand some of the people.

>I've been called slavic looking and acting. By entirely different people too.

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I absolutely despise them, they make it harder for every black guy who is a decent person.

I think it was just because of my clothes, haircut and alcoholism

Im algerian and my brother say i act like an englishman


I think a typical white/black person has much darker skin desu
I’ve been told I look white, no one here at least has ever said I’m coloured
Shut up negrito

Did you give them a beating

No, I just stopped wearing that kind of clothes

Dude, you look like a typical mulatto and your skin tone is quite normal for one.
>I’ve been told I look white
Because you live in a non-white country.

I still remember someone asking me if I was a jew. I just said no, but I've been offended by it for years.

I don’t agree, typical black/white person is like pic related
I know another one irl, looks very similar to pic related and had much darker skin than myself

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Based on what I’ve heard from other black guys on Zig Forums, it means they think you’re a beta and can walk all over you without fear of being assaulted like in videos on the internet.

“Chimping out” is only ever used to describe black people and you’re an idiot for not realizing that.