
new thread edition

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I’m not British

Based sharia edition
where dem little bois at

twink bf 2021
catboy bf 2021
femboy bf 2021
sissy bf 2021

bought £300 worth of clothes but it all looks shit so i'm sending it all back
suffering being a manlet

oh well done you for killing the environment

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Based Doug



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doing a big hard think

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how is this doug cunt so boring has he made a single decent post in his whole name career

there's an arsenal thread on /sp/ not because there's a lot of arsenal fans but because there needs to be a 24/7 thread to laugh at them

now all we're missing is laughing shoes lad

sucking a golf ball


ur willy is rubbish

Had some complete random's order sent to me the other day. It's clothes for his bird it looks like. Shall rightfully be posting it to him once I can find the appropriate mailing container to put them in.

just got banned from r/ukpolitics for being a shitwomble

it's actually just the same like 5 posters who are scared to post on the rest of /sp/

>single decent post
Need photographic evidence that this occured

no just have a job

laughing shoes

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never thought Geena Davis was that attractive

has she seen all the adverts on the london underground?

Making an absolutely dire post lads

>browses reddit
I can smell you from here

you need to learn how to read mate

I reckon this is down to the Japanese having this irrational 'overwork and pass out from lack of sleep as a virtue signalling sign of deference to working hard' work culture, while the Australians are known as a relaxed and leisurely people in comparison, and people are most efficient and ultimately more effective when they're relaxed and personally satisfied and not when they're simply worked very hard

It seems like common sense to me but counter intuitive to nearly everyone in any position of management

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he's a namecunt are you really that surprised he offers absolutely nothing of worth

Dad notices his daughter checking out the shirtless boys at the car wash... gets them to wash her window