You are now thinking about Sweden :)

You are now thinking about Sweden :)

Attached: se.png (580x363, 595)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jag vill ha kebabrulle

Day ruined




I love Sweden


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and that is a GOOD thing.

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taco thursday babbiiiiii


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could you even handle this much SOVL on your plate?


Attached: swedish tacos.jpg (640x853, 63.87K)

Three questions:
1. How is it living in a place where the days are super short in winter? How do you get vitamin D, pills?
2. Have you been to the Swedish wilderness? What is it like?
1. How safe is Sweden for non-Muslims? Will I be harassed for not being a Muslim if I visited Sweden as a tourist?

Suomi! Rakastan sinua :D

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mmmm kebabpitsa

>How do you get vitamin D, pills?
Actually bought vitamin D pills just the other day.
>Have you been to the Swedish wilderness? What is it like?
No such thing. The whole country is just a lumberyard. The "forests" are just spruce and pine plantations.
Yes, you will be harassed. Don't come here

Fy fan vad gott.

Ah yes. School tacos. Pure SOVL

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Dont you dare call swedish food the most stale food in europe, dont you!

stay away

vitamin pills increase chance of cancer


So does drinking alcohol. Still doing it.

yes but you dont drink beer thinking you will get healthier

When I think of Sweden next image is Volvo 940

jag även

Honorary Swede

It's okay I am Finnish so I'm always thinking about Sweden anyway

Så jävla FUCKING gott

Are there actual places in sweden that sell true tacos or at least have taco trucks?

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no, we innovate ourselves


I was indeed listening to swedish rock and roll

I'm thinking about beautiful blue eyed blonde haired Swedish women, the product of countless generations of pure Scandinavian breeding, fair skinned and young and pure. I think of them being ravaged by barbaric African bulls who shoot their seed deep in those pink wombs and forever taint that previously pure Swedish lineage

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