>want white kids
>think I have a preference for cute black women
what do?
Want white kids
Black women are pure sex..
>want white kids
The only real reason I can see for this is to help your kids avoid the awkwardness/pressure of being mixed. There is no other reason to think this way.
I would hate to have my son betray me and become a chest thumping BLMer after I did my best to raise him
You can't have white kids because you're a mutt. Go and find yourself a cute darkie.
Sounds like you don’t actually like black women
Adopt a white child obviously
>If you aren't an outright black nationalist/supremacist you must not like black people
Precisely the kind of attitude that would make me not want to bring a mixed child into this modern USA
I am you. Just thinking abt my south african GF makes me hard. I would even be okay with cute mixed girls but tyrones?! Never!
You can still support the core concept of BLM even if you disagree with the way you go about it (which you should because they’re retarded) but you don’t even consider that as a possibility because all you think of when you see black women is sex sex sex and you don’t actually care about anything they could be going through.
I can't tell if bait or just sheer retardation.
I bet you don’t understand a lot of things monkey
Date a Mulatta girl. There's a small chance some of your kids may come out looking full White.
I go through this every day friend. Everytime I see a black or brown girl my heart starts racing and I get sweaty thinking about the hot sex. Then I feel guilty
I know i don't and i don't pretend i do.
There is nothing rational or productive about BLM, their anti police aggression won them an additional 1,000 black murders this past year and they didn't bat an eye. They're a cancerous ideological tool. It is sad that blacks are literally moving backwards.
>black twin: got all the best features from the white genes, nice face
>white twin: looks like a black girl with white filter, not ugly face but.. disapointing..
>she will never sit on your face
BLM was literally a Biden brownshirt group, now that he's won they will fade again. No need to worry about them until 2024.
Damn he had some good genes for this
I don’t disagree that they're going about things the wrong way. For example, the most idiotic thing about them is that they refuse to have central leadership or figurehead to represent themselves so any idiot in some neighborhood who rallies a bunch of idiots to chimp out in the streets reflects badly on the movement as a whole. They need a central authority figure to look to for guidance and to condemn rioters and other idiots. What I’m saying is, just because this is the case for BLM currently doesn’t mean there aren’t real issues that black women face and if you do genuinely care about them you will have to acknowledge this as well as the fact your children will likely experience life differently from you. You’re welcome to argue this point with any black women you meet, and the smart ones will agree or at least come to terms with your position, but if you dismiss their issues as a whole you’re not gonna find much luck.
OP here, I'm not or but that's another concern. Race identitarianism is only going up and I'd weep if my family got caught up in that. Plus there's a lot of statistics suggesting mixed families and their children don't do as well, regardless of the combination of ethnicities.
I don't see myself adopting someone else's kid, period.
A small chance. I'm pretty sure curled hair is gene dominant, plus tanness is easily noticeable, even though it's technically a small difference. One drop rule would possibly make them see themselves as black, and many black Americans see race as central to their identity as a person.
This is all confusing and worrying because I never thought I'd have to consider these things, because I never thought relations could get so bad as they are getting now.
have mixed-race kids and activate step one of a mixed-race homogenous human species
Why are you people so fucked in the head? Why do you give a shit what color your kids will be?
im preparing my kids for the future thats why im going to bang an asian.
In many ways I don't, but I am considering what will help my kids.
With time, you will see. Humans will always be tribal.
American racial autism. Also you want kids who can feel like they're part of your culture.
>american thread
>devolves into identity politics instantly
>hahahaha Americans are mutts
>duhhhh why does America argue so much about race???
You'll understand in 10-20 years, assuming French immigration policy doesn't change. At least many Americans have some semblance of shared history, even if it only goes back 200+ years.
Meanwhile, the New French will be foreign by every metric.
>A small chance. I'm pretty sure curled hair is gene dominant,
Its not.
Both my parents have straight hair, i was born with curly hair, this would be impossible if straight hair was recessive.
I know a mixed race guy whose dad is white with wavy hair and whose mum is Brazilian, probably indigenous blood (dark skin, jet black straight hair, slightly asiatic facial features) and he was born with kinky hair.
Either she got BLACKED or Kinky hair is recessive too.
(Probably BLACKED, since he also has mulatto facial features, while his sister has straight hair and castiza facial features)
>want kids
>too mentally ill to pass on my genes onto some poor offspring
wat do