How smart are you Zig Forums?
I will be honest, I am pretty stupid.
How smart are you Zig Forums?
I will be honest, I am pretty stupid.
I can't properly tie my shoes at 24.
I'm basically a monke at this point.
Me too, but I know a lot of trivia and I'm relatively eloquent so I often manage to trick people into thinking otherwise.
According to other people I'm very smart, I consider myself kinda limited though. I'm very educated though, I met few persons who are as educated as me.
I am the dumbest of them all :(
I watch Rick and Morty and completely understand all the jokes.
It's literally just that, acting confident and being sociable.
My coworkers all look up to me and ask me for advice even though I don't really know much and I work with 1/10th of my energy.
>I met few persons who are as educated as me
I'm not very smart but I have a high emotional IQ because I have a big heart, user, a BIIIIIIIIG heart :D
I have an IQ of 100
Everybody always tells me I’m smart but I just shit out nonsense that I hear on the internet so I guess I’m good at making myself sound smart
There are enough idiots to make me look smart.
im dumb as fuck :(
everyone says i'm very smart, but i'm surrounded by monkeys, i'd wager my IQ is around 35.
Actually I changed my mind, I'm very smart AND eloquent.
do u have a big penis
Average, ~16cm bonepressed. But it's thick, three female fingers wide.
Took an IQ test a few years back and guessed on the math parts and got 70 something on it. I'm pretty autistic.
>Took an IQ test a few years back and guessed on the math parts and got 70 something on it. I'm pretty autistic.
You probably are extremely dull, but you are incorrect. There are no math questions on an IQ test, also autism does not have to be related to IQ.
i'm an unironic midwit
think I would be smarter if I could do maths but I suck at it and hate doing it so no motivation to learn
based, user.
but let me tell you something, there are a lot of selfish people out there, who will hurt you a lot.
I'm pretty knowledgeable about history and I know a lot of pointless trivia, but I think I'm pretty average (probably have an IQ between 100-105). I think I used to be smarter, but having a demanding wageslave job the past four years has destroyed my intellectual ability. My memory has gotten a lot worse and my writing ability has tanked.
>there are a lot of selfish people out there, who will hurt you a lot
I don't want this to happen to me.
The more I learn the less I know :(
I'm not only stupid but also pathetic.
>i'm an unironic midwit
If you have an average IQ, why are you here then? The only people who hang out here are dull people, youngsters and people with emotional and maturity issues.
RPG int level
int 10 - I effortless learn and accomplish all that I set my mind on
int 9 - I must spend a little effort in intellectual endeavors
int 8 - With a little work I can learn anything
int 7 - I must spend quite a bit of effort
int 6 - With effort I can learn most things
int 5- with work and lots of effort I can learn some thing
int 4 - with a lot of effort and work I can get by
int 3 - with a lot of effort I can manage to not get in trouble
int 2 - I must spend a lot of effort trying to survive
int 1 - ik ook ik ook ik ook
what's your int level?
>no math questions on IQ test
Wtf really? Anything to do with numbers, I suck.
I had a fairly high IQ but was cucked by mild autism and shitty motor skills at school. After years of alcohol abuse and neetdom I reckon I'm pretty dumb now though.
i have an immature sense of humour. farts and poo always crack me up so I think I fit in well here
same. i've been a cook for five years. vivid dreams when i sleep is the only shadow of creative brain activity that i have left. i don't even have a sex drive anymore
>farts and poo always crack me up
My soulmate
ik ook ik ook ik ook
ik ook ik ook ik ook
>int 2 - I must spend a lot of effort trying to survive
Basically this I'm this close to snapping my dude.
>int 4 - with a lot of effort and work I can get by
This is me. I have a mediocre IQ, but I took a prestige education. I worked so hard at school that it took my soul away. I don't have a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.
hello Zig Forums frens
I'm either really dumb ape or clever monk, no inbewteen. Depends on days
>downgraded from soulmate to friend
This board can be so cruel.
soulmate, forgive my low emotional IQ
Not that it's even close to a meaningful measure of intellectual capacity, but I remember just 5-6 years ago I could spend hours in a single sitting making elaborate forge maps in Halo. I tried doing the same thing a few months ago, and I got stressed out just trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I'm turning into an NPC. I'm hoping LINK moons so I can buy a cheap house in some Midwestern state and survive just working 20-30 hours/week.
like every other thing
Intellectually curious midwit eloquent enough to sound much smarter than I am
I would say either 7 or 8. I can learn anything, but I have to put some effort into it
>int 8 - With a little work I can learn anything
Trouble is, I'm lazy as shit and have no motivation for doing anything.