Behold, the worst European posters
Behold, the worst European posters
Ur mom is gay lol
I see no German flag
shut the fuck up Janny
Finshits need their own category
at least most finns are rangebanned from starting new threads or posting files.
France is fren.
I think Poortugal is okay.
Dunno about the other two.
>no Poles
>no Russians
A toast!
milkers mommy sex sex sex
i like finland
don't have experience with italy or portugal
i like france except when that one nazi comes into cum
What's the tray on the left
the 4 ass munching faggots to rule them all
how do you make mämmi if that's the case
Cannoli, bignè and baba
Take Finland out and replace with Brazil
The Quartet of based.
I didn't see Euro only. I'd take Finland out anyway
feels good not being european
In descending order:
1. Poland
2. Finland
3. Canada
4. France
5. Netherlands
I get it
Finland is the best poster unironically
best posters
My friend went to Italy for magistracy and my other friend wants to do the same. What the fuck? Isn't Italy a shithole? What's good about it besides food?
>Isn't Italy a shithole?
>best posters
Nope, Polish posters are quite dumb and deluded.
Implying I'm Russian which means I'm into shithole myself? I won't deny that, I'm perfectly aware, but why go from one shithole to another?
Replace Portugal with Spain and replace Italy with Ik ook land