>be a supposedly benevolent God
>make unhealthy food tasty as fuck
>make healthy food taste like absolute dogshit
Be a supposedly benevolent God
imagine thinking god is benevolent
That isn't true
Broccoli is really tasty and it's healthy
spoken like an american
You know, I was doing some reading about this God fella and I have to say, this God guy sounds like a real jerk!
Hamburgers, fries and pizzas were made by man who is fallen and full of sin, not by God
God created humans' taste buds. He is the one who ultimately determined how different foods will taste.
How is this not an american flag???
bread wine is the only kosher food
>be a supposedly benevolent god
>give cancer to children
Fat wasn't "unhealthy" back in the day when we were scrounging for resources just to survive the week. This is how far removed from nature we are.
>this fat fuck meme again
No, most of the food you call "unhealthy" isn't unhealthy, you just eat too much of it, which makes you a lardarse, which in turn does damage your health.
And no, tasty food doesn't mean "drenched in fat or sugar" to thin people.
This may sound strange but hear me out, he often does things for the lulz
You could say it's the Devil tempting people with gluttony then, and only the truly pure will resist him and be rewarded for it in heaven.
the yummy food like cake or honey is healthy in small doses (it is yummy because it signals it contains sugars and fat thus energy)
it isn't God's fault that amerikeks invent taste-bud killing junk food
Don't read any reply in this thread but mine, they're all retards.
God doesn't exist and relgious schizos are just coping when they try to pretend the one they believe in isn't evil.
Stop blaming specific foods for your gluttony, fatties. Pizza isn't unhealthy, you just eat too much.
>most of the food you call "unhealthy" isn't unhealthy
Fast food is unhealthy and on average it tastes vastly better than healthy homemade food. Like it's not even up to comparison.
>God puts irresistible temptations in front of people
>waaah why are you sinning?
Why would a benevolent God make us imperfect human beings sin like this?
my mum's pizza tastes hundred times better than Pizza Hut """""pizza""""""
No it doesn't.
Doesn't the bible say the devil will be given power for a thousand years to rule over men and God won't do anything about it? Sounds kind of like bullshit but I think that's what's the explanation.
it does
not that tasting better than overprized tiny carboard with tomato sauce and cheese is hard
Lmao, speak for yourself, obese retard. Just because you nuked your taste buds so badly you unironically prefer processed mass-produced food over fresh food doesn't mean it tastes better.
And no, pizza isn't unhealthy, neither is a burger. It's being a fat fuck that is unhealthy.
Italians eat many of the foods you fatties call "unhealthy" yet their life expectancy is one of the highest. Same with the Japanese eating ramen or the French who eat bread.
Didn't ask for Polish opinions, fuck off.
Wow this nigga seething
healthy food can taste good
There isn’t anything inherently unhealthy about a burger as long as you don’t sugar up the bun or slather it in corn syrup sauce. I don’t understand how it somehow became the default “bad for you” stick image.
when our taste buds evolved sugars and fats were scarce so it made sense to make us like that stuff
That would tell everyone that there is a god, you would ruin faith.
They call him the Great Architect of the Universe for a reason.
Men made unhealthy food though