Who's your country's national hero ?

Who's your country's national hero ?

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mariusz pudzianowski

My favorite is Paul Revere.

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i could name 10 knights and poets at the top of my head that are worthy of that title other than mohammad

Willhelm Tell

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Toldi Miklós or idk

If you do you'll loose the top of your head

sir Isaac Brock
our savior

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Frei Caneca

>national hero is a fictional character
oh no no no do bongs really

El Cid (played by Charlton Heston)

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For a minute looking at the thumbnail I was wondering why australians consider the zodiac killer a national hero

>Born in Nice
>A Frenchman is Italy's biggest hero

Lincoln won't be a hero for much longer
For us it's people like MLK, Harriett Tubman, Malcolm X, Aunt Jemima, Gearge Washington Carver, the nigga who they credit with peanut butter and the other nigga they're trying to say made the light bulb

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Gosh he's such a handsome cunt

he was a madman

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My man Peter the Great made this fucking country to look at least remotely civilized

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whatever, he's commonly considered a national hero here. and when he was born nice was still part of piedmont-sardinia

It was only occupied by Napoleon's army when he was born. It wasn't annexed by France properly until 1860

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Lara have you ever experienced a BBC (Big Black Cock)?

>Abraham Lincoln


vanquisher of turks

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Don't mind me I'm on VPN.
Also, fuck Jurchens and Khitans.

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Busca uno mejor, anda. Desterrado de Castilla, mercenario a sueldo del Taifa de Zaragoza matando castellanos y aragoneses por igual; para luego morir a lomos de su caballo frente a Valencia.

Ok, rojo.

Back in the day when Nordic socialism worked

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and fucking Napoleon was born in Corsica

>Australia's hero is some criminal that made himself some improvised medieval armor
So this is the power... of aussie culture...

Blas de Lezo me viene a la cabeza.
Y me limpio el culo con la bandera comunista por la mañana y con la fascista por las tardes.

based, didn't know the english liked Erikson

Which is also part of France

based as fuck