I am smarter, cooler and better looking than any german.
Why do they think they are better than everyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate all austrians and germans.
>I hate all austrians and germans.
Ok. Interesting.
Why must you seethe so much, Shahar?
mental illness + failure to cope with his own misery
he thinks it's funny and he's desperate for attention since he's a self-admitted friendless
Jedem das seine
I don't speak your ugly language mr. Hans Shiterbauer you fat, ugly, evil german pig from Dussesldorf.
learn Yiddish, Shahar
Didn't Stalin export like 1-2 million Jews to Hitler knowing they'd be killed? Why no hate for Soviets too?
hold it. stalin went to a jewish school. that shit you read about stalin being an anti semite is most likely garbage
This may help with clarification
As if I would ever want to live let alone open a store in your shit, depressing country you ugly, fat german pig.
I wouldn't live in shitmany for 900 trillion dollars I am mot kididng.
in stalin's russia. antisemitism was a crime. this was to protect him and his buddies
why do you care about, what they think? Who gives a shit about the Germans and their opinions. Their country is so fucking shit and theyre behind us with technology. Also they pay us build their infrastructure because theyre not as efficient as we are.
Based żyd
This. Stalin was a known Jew, as was most of the Soviet elite early on. The Soviet Union was literally a Jewish Empire in all respects.
They have 5 world cups, call me when you have one.
thank god someone agrees. i find it interesting the amount of deflection and misinformation on this. the site is automatically suspect because of this one page
come off your high horse with your brick laying machine. We pay Polaks for that; its cheaper
we are not on pol so I just let that in peace.
For the most part I think we are just coling that we are not as cool as Switzerland, on the other site we are more successful as they so idk
Btw, I am much better looking, wealthier, have a better looking gf and buy my get the slightly more expensive food, because I can, much more than any Israeli
*coping *cat shitty autocorrect, take that bump
they have an inferiority complex because they will never achieve greatness
sad really
why do you come here to spread hate?
This is you hans, you are fat, ugly and poor like all germans.
They are wannabees.
Everything great was acheived by other europeans.
Muslim immigration will save Germany. They will be free of Hitler guilt; once Germany becomes Muslim majority expect them to act like a great power again.
>Shahar calling others fat
but charlie chaplin was a gypsy mate
wait nvm that doesnt mean he isnt anglo, it reminded me of tyson furry
is that why we stole their rocket scientists.
they are
>Their country is so fucking shit and theyre behind us with technology
The fact that we're the only Western nation still living in the early 2000s is the one thing I like about Germany.
fome fell under its own weight
the 4th crusade that sacked rome was done by the french and venetians; not germans
will did nothing wrong