How do young women dress like in your country?

How do young women dress like in your country?

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Like whores

like single mothers

Canadian girls are very traditional.

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They're obsessed with style. The mantra is "spend many hours on makeup and choosing what to wear but make it look like you don't really care". If you try too hard to look good they'll make fun of you, if you don't try hard enough you're labeled as a homeless.
Even old ladies have long dyed hair, whereas in Northern Europe they have very short hair and no makeup.

They're not dressed as Whores like teen and tween tourists from Germany or Poland, sadly.
Not because they're not Whores (they are) but because they don't wanna be made fun of by other women.

Modestly, like they should.

she has a black boyfriend btw

I wouldn't know

That sounds unbearable

Diverse. Heavily depends on region, wealth and age.

They sound dumb

short shorts and flip flops

This is an approximation of those principles.
Elegant shoes, not so special but nice dress, then an ugly leather jacket to make it look like you wore the first thing you found before heading out.
In Italy we call that "sdrammatizzare", or to remove seriousness.

Forgot pic

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she can wear whatever she wants it won't matter with that hideous visage.

they dress in a manner that makes me hard


Which is weird because Italian girls genuinely have no style except for a shitty leather jacket.


Kurti+jeans in most places.
Instagram style in major cities.

ugly face ugly feet

Does the uk get Italians?

Shirt, short and flip-flop. Which is basically what everybody wears.

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>"Of course dummy!"

t. lived in medellin

There's a lot of variety but last summer i saw a lot of young women dressing like this in my city

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I've seen something like that in France too.

A more important question would be how mommies dress like in your country.

Sandals or some other open toe shoe.
Knee length (or shorter) loose dress, either with short sleeves or open back.
One or two trashy small tattoos somewhere on her body, usually calves.
Medium or long length wavy hair
That's how about 50% of all brazilian females dress.

Yeah but only in Paris and Cote d'Azur. Other French people are more laid back.

No, I saw that sort of thing around the Loire as well: women who dress seemingly casually but are immaculately made-up.