
northern independence party edition

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the moldova of england

>Global South countries, led by South Africa and India, have requested a suspension of the WTO's patent rules to enable them to manufacture or import affordable generic versions of the COVID-19 vaccine. Shockingly, Britain and other rich countries have refused.

Your island is and always has been a pox on human history

Why yes I am a northerner how could you tell?

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nip lol


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why the fuck would you want ngubu and pajeet to live longer

>'ove socialism
>'ove trannies
>refugees welcome

>'ate southerners
>'ate me wife

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now for a shower and a 0% beer

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grim if this is true and not media spin
let them have the 'cine tbqhwy
>0% beer
why even bother lad?

How did Ireland vote?

bloody love this gimmick

>government doesnt let them get the vaccine
>millions flee here as refugees from the disease

Any Chinese supremacist man in?

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>The Global South
Such a twee late 80s/early 90s type term

The creation of the Welsh Independence Party is still a WIP

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watching another Mou master class in the Spurs Liverpoo thread if you need me

poo bum poo willy bum poo poo bum willy

Business idea: socialist economics without obsessing over black people or trannies

>now for a shower and a 0% beer

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>moving to a country infected with covid to flee covid
A likely scenario

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northern constitution:
'ate southerners
scone rhymes with gone
socialism but the based and white kind
love tranners
'ate pakis

simple as

Plaid Cymru already exists

>that isnt the governments plan
its almost as if you want everonye to nknow sd

i am today launching the Mercian Independence Party
no nonces, no londoners, no pakis
simple as

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Yeah reckon they would move after UK is flooded with the vaccine you numpty

based. got my vote lid.

So leftypol basically

Lincoln is Yorkshire's bitch, hands off


what's this from? asking for a friend haha

No leftypol is socialist economics while obsessing over black people and trannies

we're southern north
t. cheshire

will vote for you on one condition: hard border with wales

would have voted corbyn if i didn’t think he would flood the country with “refugees” given the first opportunity

I now start the Dal Riata independence party

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global norf

>not obsessing over black people or trannies

Literally wrong but alright

>27 years old

dating pool is utter shite at this age, either its literal 30 year olds or 24-27 year olds who are coming out of their 10th relationship and are already on their way out looks wise

NEED a gf to pay into a mortgate with and get a house and that but looks like im still at least 18 months away IF i can find a nice girl ASAP, not happening is it, fucking it ain't i, grim grim grim

covid is a massive psy-op average person under 60 wont even know they have it

Well that's literally what Mercia means

Counterpoint: Biopharmaceuticals development is bloody hard and it makes sense to at least try to control how the IP is monetised. Not that they shouldn't be making vaccine but they should be part of the first world countries' supply deals with the IP holders.

it only gets worse
t. 33

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lincolnshire is in the east midlands, norf mong
as soon as we retake wrexam and flintshire

What's leftypol to you then?

the problem is never you is it.

>rural west midlands dominated by birmingham
would vote against this

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business idea: a radical centrist party that rejects identity politics

yeah its over
29 and given up. Still not gonna kill myself though

arsecrack as sore as leftypol's ego

demi moore as a stripper so probably striptease (1996)

What's that movie about

do not want to be represented by some weird twitter tranny with a cartoon display picture
wtf im a hardcore unionist now. we are all one race. the bri'ish race.

based. torrenting it now.. err, i mean my friend is borrowing it from, erm, blockbusters

ive basically given up hope. in fairness i couldn't give a shit about a mortgage though.

do you ever see yourself with an actual lifepartner now or is it just not happening (assuming you aren't a VF)

intellectual property? personally hold the view that medicine, housing, food etc shouldn't be commodities

smoking a fag

>one guy is still randomly seething about a no name who journalist/author who doesn't even have his own wiki page

literally me (not actually me)

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business idea: socialism but only for british people

that's the point
that "party" glows like fuck

everybody: *minds own business*

stop taking medicines
dont take the vaccine

the reason why you are sick all the time is because your body has become dependent on drugs. Get a good nights sleep, abstain from all substances and walk somewhere every day. this solves 99% of all issues

Did you know, there's twice as many Wiccans in the world as there are Rastafaris?

need the GDR back but racist and for northern england

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>why are schizos posting inane schizo things on a site for schizos


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will vote only as long as we agree to raze the cities and their denizens

Marcus Rashford: Feeding Britain's Children on BBC one, Monday 7pm lads, you WILL be watching won't you?

This was actually a political movement in the 16th-17th century. They wanted all of Britain to become united into one ethnicity who spoke a Scots language and English language creole. Unironically.

What would we call this brand of socialism?

i'm past the point of being picky. i have a few rules: no single mothers, and no fatties. other than that, i don't care

i get that but wouldn't you mix it up even slightly

based stratford upon avon man

plot twist: the free school meal thing was really about doing it during half term, something that has never been done before.

just noticed the kneeling thing doing the same action as the officer that killed george floyd, almost like they're mocking the big fella

much to think about indeed

It's Marxist and Social Democrat 4Channers who hate IdPol.

The ones "obsessing over black people and trannies" are on Reddit.

nothing is stopping you from leaving


im like this and im only 23

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>the guy getting sued for libel is spamming here as "revenge"

>Burnley vs Wolves on opposite

cant wait to play cyberpunk with the lads

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Yes that's all very well but the reality is that they are and that treating them as anything other requires significant intervention by the state (or by food charities or by international bodies like the UN Food Programme)

it is objectively true that no deal brexit is the most beneficial and we should walk out of the trade talks

you're young and in the prime of your life, mate. you'll be fine.

Explain how

alri cybernonce

haha wheyyyyy cybernonce cybernonce loves his little cybernonce game

leftypol might neck himself

>Marcus Rashford: Feeding Britain's Children on BBC
bit noncey, no?

mental brit has memory blocked 190 threatening aisha

just had a brief exchange with a virginous capitalist bruce itt

Tariffs are a tax on trade. That revenue will go to the treasury, a new revenue stream for the government. That could be used to compensate domestic exporters hit with tariffs trading overseas.

Am 26 and utterly afraid my 22y/o gf could eventually leave me for this exact reason.

what are some sleeping pills that help you stay asleep, not just help you fall asleep

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We get our fishes back

i made this.

(2/2) the irony being that in the particular case here turning medicine into a commodity is precisely what the manufacturers in South Africa and India are suggesting

the kraut is raging again lads

Starting the Fife Independence Party

Zaleplon, Eszopiclone, and I think Zolpidem

don't see the point in just settling for someone you don't like, surely being in a relationship out of desperation is more grim than just being alone forever

Except that's not going to happen is it, domestic exporters are just going to suffer

>Marxist and Social Democrat 4Channers who hate IdPol.
mate, they worships gollywogs and trannies over on bunkerchan

6+ pints of beer normally does it for me, lad.

A British (You) is worth a year's wages to a JF

rubbish post as per usual

marcus rashford lining up our kids for a mass blacking, who will stop him?

We have a tax rebate scheme already. Nothing is stopping us from expanding it to offset the hit to exporters

Sure they do

Haha. Got my dad

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Not as rubbish as your life mate

Nothing is stopping us... but we won't

ah yes, the two users of "bunkerchan"


Contemplating shaving my balls. Opinions?

Need to get a message to Aisha letting her know that the majority of /brit/ supports her, and disavows the scurrilous coward that sent her a menacing email.

I think you're right but some people just want to be normal which is fair

After a point if you're single without being divorced ppl assume you're weird af

marry her

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that sounds like me except im going to uni.


economics wanker loves his fucking economics

Shaving your bollocks and (if you're extra based) the rest of your pubes is the best decision you'll ever make

why not?